Enter your desired Norwegian domain you wish to register, or select an extension and click search button

Policy for Norwegian domain names .NO

The registration of Norwegian domain name .NO does not provide an ownership but a right of use only. For as long as the Norwegian domain is registered, the right of use is sustained. All .NO registrations are subject to Norwegian law. The legal authority handling any disagreements and/or disputes is Trondheim District Court.

General information for Norwegian domain name applicants

.NO domain name must consist of minimum 2 and maximum 63 characters.
The following characters are permitted in the Norwegian domain name: letters a-z, digits (0-9), hyphens, and country-specific characters provided in the following table.

Allowed characters in .NO domain names

Name of letter Unicode Name of letter Unicode
a with acute accentá00E1 o with acute accentó00F3
a with grave accentà00E0 o with grave accentò00F2
a with umlautä00E4 o with circumflexô00F4
c with caronč010D o with umlautö00F6
c with cedillaç00E7 s with caronš0161
d with crossbarđ0111 t with crossbarŧ0167
e with acute accenté00E9 u with umlautü00FC
e with grave accentè00E8 z with caronž017E
e with circumflexê00EA ææ00E6
ENGŋ014B øø00F8
n with acute accentń0144 åå00E5
n with tildeñ00F1    

A letter or a digit must be the last graphic symbol of the Norwegian domain name. Registration of certain reserved or prohibited Norwegian domain names may not be completed.

Requirements for organizations applying for Norwegian domain names

The applying organization must be an organization registered in Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities. The organization must provide evidence of its physical presence and a Norwegian postal address. An organization may hold as many as 100 Norwegian domain names with .NO at any time and up to 5 geographical domain names.

The following is the list of forms of organizations allowed to apply:

  • Ansvarlig selskap med delt ansvar (DA)
  • Ansvarlig selskap med solidarisk ansvar (ANS)
  • Aksjeselskap
  • Allmennaksjeselskap
  • Annet foretak iflg. særskilt lov
  • Boligbyggelag
  • Borettslag
  • Eierseksjonssameie
  • Enkeltpersonforetak
  • Europeisk øk. foretaksgruppe
  • Forening/Lag/Innretning
  • Fylkeskommunalt foretak
  • Fylkeskommune
  • Gjensidig forsikringselskap
  • Interkommunalt selskap
  • Kommunalt foretak
  • Kirkelig fellesråd
  • Kommune
  • Kommandittselskap
  • Norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak
  • Organisasjonsledd
  • Partrederi
  • Pensjonskasser
  • Samvirkeforetak
  • Selskap med begrenset ansvar
  • Statsforetak
  • Sparebank
  • Staten
  • Stiftelse
  • Verdipapirfond

Official embassies of foreign countries in Norway as well as official committees are considered independent organizations and may register their Norwegian domain names under .NO even though they do not belong to the forms of organizations listed above. They must provide their organization number and a written approval from the governmental authority to prove their status.

Furthermore, for organizations that are registered in the “annen juridisk” person category and that cannot register under any other category, the Norwegian domain registrar can make exceptions upon fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • The organization is found to be clearly independent, incontrovertibly conducts genuine operations and/or follows the requirements of activities and reality according to the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities regulations as mandated by the organization’s statute. The organization is required to document its independence and operations/activities providing any pertinent records documents (i.e. statutes, formation/incorporation documents, etc.).
  • The organization provides written explanation from the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities why the organization is not allowed to register within any category in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities along with the confirmation that the organization must be registered within the “annen juridisk person” category. The pertinent documentation must be dated no earlier than six months before the domain name registration application is received by the Norwegian domain registrar.

The Norwegian Domain Authority is not obliged to conduct any independent inquiry before making a decision on an application. An organization whose application was not approved by the Norwegian Domain Authority may file a new application no sooner than one year after the initial denial by the Norwegian Domain Authority.

Requirements for private individuals

Individual applicants can only register Norwegian domain names under the PRIV.NO domain. An applicant must be 18 years or older, a resident of Noway with a Norwegian postal address and must be registered in the National Registry (Folkeregisteret) with a Norwegian national identity number (fødselsnummer). Up to 5 PRIV.NO domain names are available for a private individual at any given time.

Requirements for the name server

To register a Norwegian domain name, at least two name servers (set of machines used for each Norwegian domain name to answer inquiries about sub-domains and addresses within the domain name) must be specified. The name servers must be operative and set up correctly for the specified Norwegian domain name at the time of filing an application. Only fully delegated .NO domains can be registered. The Norwegian domain name and the corresponding IP address are used to identify the name servers for the specific domain name. Additional technical requirements for name servers (checked at the time of application and periodically thereafter) are as follows:

  • Each Norwegian domain must be serviced by at least two separate name servers that operate on physically separate machines.
  • The reply from the name servers assigned to a domain must be consistent with the data provided in the Norwegian domain name application. Please note that the names as well as the number of name servers must be the same.
  • All specified name servers must send an authoritative response for the domain.
  • Name servers must have permanent Internet connection and fixed IPv4 address within a stable and dependable infrastructure. IPv6 address is also allowed provided it is permanently assigned.
  • The correct and functioning email address of the name server administrator must be provided for the SOA (Start of Authority) record for each domain.
  • The name server’s serial number must match the serial number provided in the SOA record.
  • It is obligatory to use the canonical name in an NS (Name Server) record on the right-hand side. An alias (CNAME) cannot be used in NS and MX records.
  • Norwegian host addresses that include either national characters (IDN-names) or their corresponding ACE equivalents may not be registered.

It is allowed for someone other than the applicant to run the name servers.

Need more information?

If you would like more information about the Local Presence / Trustee Service in Norway, have other questions about the Norwegian domain registration or domains transfer, please don't hesitate to contact us at relations@web-solutions.eu or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971