As many non-Thai domain applicants has found out, the basic rules for registration of .CO.TH domains are very restrictive.
The following is a guide for non-Thai companies, and outlines the different methods by which its possible for such non.Thai entity to acquire a .CO.TH domain.
Thai domain registration requirements
There are two ways by which a non-Thai company can register a .CO.TH domain:
a) Thai trademark
If you hold a Thai trademark, it is possible to register a matching .CO.TH domain. The Thai trademark must be fully registered and posted. A trademark application cannot be grounds for the application.
The domain holder will be the same company as that which holds the trademark holder. If the holder therefore is your Thai branch office, then that office will be the domain holder, unless you appoint a trustee as explained under ‘b’ below.
Thai trademarks are not expensive, and can be registered within 30-45 days. Unfortunately, only a Thai company may hold a Thai trademark, whereby many foreign applicants will need to appoint a local trustee.
b) Foreign trademark with a Thai Trustee
This is the most common method by which Thai domains are registered to foreign companies.
Basically, a foreign holder of a non-thai trademark appoints a local trustee to register a matching .CO.TH domain name on its behalf. A few domain registrars offer this service. Elsewhere on this page are some links to some of those companies.
With the use of a Trustee Service neither trademark, trademark owner or domain applicant will need to be have a presence in Thailand. The only requirement is that the domain name applied for must match a registered trademark from anywhere in the world.
For instance, trademarks registered in the US or in individual US states, the UK, EU/OHIM, Benelux, Japan, South Africa and Denmark would all qualify for matching .CO.TH domains.
No Thai trademark?
If you do not own a matching trademark, such can be registered either in Thailand, or via a trademark office which provide fast registration service. There are a number of fast and low cost solutions for registering an eligible trademark, some offering day-to-day service. A Trademark in Thailand takes longer to register, usually 30-45 days.
To summarise the basic conditions:
- Applicant must hold a matching trademark. The trademark can be from anywhere in the world. Must be fully registered.
- There are no limitations on the amount of .CO.TH domain registrations based on foreign trademarks.
- The local trustee becomes the official domain holder, but you have the full management of the domain.In order to register a .CO.TH domain based on a foreign trademark, scanned copies of the following documents are required:
- Certificate of Incorporation of the applicant company (must be the holder of the trademark)
- The foreign Trademark certificate (non-Thai). Must be the real certificate, not a copy from a webpage or an email
- A signed Power of Attorney (POA).
The name of the person signing the POA, have to appear on the Business Certificate as an authorised person. Alternatively, if there are no names mentioned on the Business Certificate, the signatory must be either the company President, Vice President, Director or Manager. Please make sure that the business title is mentioned on the POA.
Once the application and documents have been filed with the registry, it takes approx. 3-7 working days to complete the order through the Thai Domain Registry. The validation process is a manual process.
Naming rules:
The .CO.TH domain and the trademark it is based upon, must be identical.
If the trademark contains several words, spaces can be removed or replaced with hyphens (-).
Restricted domain categories:
Other than the below topics, there are no restrictions or limitations, so long as the domains are not in obvious violation of local laws or third party rights, or fall under one of the following groups which are partially or fully restricted. Most registrars will perform a due diligence check before submitting your application, to verify compliance.
- Conflicts with well known brands or Thai company names and trademarks
- Geographical places in Thailand
- Basic generic internet and computer terms
- Pornography
- Gambling
- Any reference to the Thai king, his family or their possessions
- Words that are vulgar or defamatory in a broad sense
- Words which may offend religious groups
Spamming is unacceptable in Thailand. The registry will without notice suspend and delete any domain found to be involved with spamming, phishing or other activities deemed to be unlawful in Thailand.
Whats next?
Contact us using the contact form here, or simply search for your .TH domain entering it in the form below.