Global leader in providing Local Presence Service
At Web Solutions we work to tear down those barriers, and make restricted domains available to our clients. Web Solutions is in fact the global leader in providing Local Presence Service for domain registrations – a service also sometimes referred to as Local Proxy Service or Local Agent Service. Be it through our locally registered branch office or through a trusted local agent, with us you can get that important country domain which other registrars will not be able to register for you.
When doing business locally, be that in Croatia, Thailand, Malaysia or somewhere else, you need that all important local domain. It installs local trust in your website, and it gives you an almost priceless local boost with the search engines, driving traffic to your website.
Below is a complete list of the countries where Web Solutions offer Local Presence Service for domain registration.

What is Local Presence Service?
In several countries local presence for a domain registration is required. Often it is the administrative contact who needs to be situated in the country where the domain is applied for.
The requirements and registration process vary widely for each country. In order to make your registration experience as simple as it is possible Web Solutions offer you the Local Presence service. This service is also called local proxy or local agent service. It is an agreement that you authorize us to be your local domain contact, which is respected and accepted by registry authorities.
A local address for the domain registrant is required in countries like Norway, Canada, Albania and many others. Below you can find the full list of countries requiring local presence which are supported by Web Solutions.

User Certificate
Web Solutions will issue a signed User Certificate to clients using our Local Presence service. This will secure your rights for owned domain names.

How to register domains within restricted country?
Simply pick domain extension from the list, read the regulations and check if your chosen domain name is available using our search form. In next step you will be able to opt for our Local Presence service. Or you can easily contact us via e-mail at support@web-solutions.eu for the assistance.

Local Presence Service terms
Web Solutions must at all time be the maintaining registrar of a proxy domain name. We will continue to renew the domain name so long as applicable annual fees are paid in time. Prepaid annual fees will not be returned.
If a proxy domain name is used for illegal communication in relation to, but not limited to, local laws, Web Solutions will delete or render the domain name inactive immediately. If a domain name is used to communicate content of an unethical or immoral nature, the domain name will be suspended until such time that the content has been altered to terms satisfaction.
Web Solutions or its agent is supplying the proxy service in good faith, but cannot guarantee against unforeseen interruptions or discontinuance of Service. In the event that we are instructed by a Registry, court of law or similar institution to either amend the legal structure of a domain name or delete it completely, we will do so immediately, and cannot in any way or form be held responsible for the occurred.
Web Solutions is entitled to at its sole discretion, and without informing the Client, update address data or transfer ownership of proxy service domain names between its local presence agents.
You agree that to the best of your knowledge, the domain name does not in any way or form violate a third-party’s trademark or other rights, or violate any direct or indirect laws or procedures in the relevant countries and beyond. If however, at any point in time a domain name is judged by Web Solutions to be in such violation, we are entitled to react independently to protect ourselves, and may without limitation take measures such as rendering a domain inactive, transferring it to a new holder or deleting the domain name.
It is expressly not permitted to use our proxy service for the purpose of purchasing and selling domain names. Any domain name found to be “on sale” will immediately be rendered inactive or deleted. Exception may be made for a generic type domain, in which case such exception must be expressly agreed upon in writing prior to the ordering of the domain name.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Web Solutions harmless from and against any loss, damages or costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any claim, action, proceeding, suit, demand or dispute arising out of or related to any proxy domain name registration, proxy domain transfer or use of a proxy domain name.
In the event that a complaint is filed against Web Solutions or its agent, either directly or via a local court or dispute resolution procedure, or similar process, we have no obligation to defend the domain registration or take part in such procedure. Web Solutions may opt to instruct our client to within 7 days provide us with proof of a legitimate right to the domain, or otherwise reach a written agreement with us as to how to respond to the complaint.
In the event of loss of a domain name or in the event of loss of a Service for a period of time, Web Solutions or our agent cannot be held responsible for any losses sustained by our client, directly or indirectly, even if Web Solutions has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damages. When a local agent is used rather than our local office, we have appointed the agent after careful consideration, but cannot in any way or form be held responsible for actions taken by the agent now or in the future.