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There are currently 278+ million registered TLDs, including new gTLDs
CENTR, a not-for-profit European country code TLD association, has published its quarterly Domain Name Stat Report which shows a 1.6 % increase of TLDs since February 2013, that is 4.3 million registrations together with new gTLDs.

Taking quarterly growth into consideration as of May 2014, the highest growth rate of 2.2 % has been reported for ccTLDs whose global market share is currently at 45.8 % and the number of registrations is approximately 127,260, 470. In contrast, legacy TLDs (domains such as .COM or .GOV) have grown at the rate of 0.6 % with the market share of 54,2 [...]
In the light of over 200 new generic Top Level Domains having been released to the Internet so far, a question appears as to wheth [...]
The Canadian Internet Registration Authority reports that .CA is one of the fastest growing TLDs in the world. It ranks fourth am [...]