What is SSL?
Each time you enter a website, a connection is established between web browser and server. With SSL (Secure Socet Layer) certificate information sent in the connection is encrypted, which makes it impossible to modify or steal your data. Therefore, SSL encryption should be absolutely must have on every website that uses online payments, or personal data processing. In addition, having valid certificate supplies your website with even more benefits.
With SSL you can be sure that browser connection to your website uses encryption of any information, so transferred data could not be read or modified during the process.
Currently, Google demands more and more as it is about website security subject. Without SSL certificate, it is impossible to use HTTPS protocol, with is much more secure in comparison to the former HTTP.
Meet GDPR requirements
Regarding to the newest regulations, each website that is downloading and processing personal data, is obligated to abide GDPR. With an SSL certificate you make sure, that all data is securely transferred with use of encryption, so it cannot be accessed by any unauthorized third parties.
Greater trust and greater traffic
Possibly, you might have already visited a website which showed “Not secured” warning. Most common website browsers like Chrome or Firefox displays this message whenever website doesn’t have a valid SSL certificate. Up to statistics of Certificate Authorities, only a few percents of users would stay on not secured website and even less would share their personal data.
Lack of an SSL encryption has a negative influence on your website SEO value and its position in the most common search engine such as Google.
Phishing protection
Phishing is the most commonly met cybercrime – it is about creating confusingly similar site to the victims site and by this missleading substitution, login or credit cart data are stolen. Unlike the original page, fake one will not receive any SSL certificate with EV (extended validation).
Low costs
SSL certificate can be obtained with a small amount of money. In the event of a data leak, the compensation costs may reach horrendous amounts. In addition, certificates are insured in case of breaking the encryption.
Familiarize yourself with SSL certificates offer at Web Solutions.