With .STORE domain, you can not only gain more freedom in choosing a name for your e-commerce, but you can also count on the following benefits.
Highlight range of your business. Specify the area of your business by selecting the appropriate domain name. Skilful addition of the suffix will make potential customers immediately know what your business area is and what they can expect by visiting the website.
Get unique email adress. With .STORE domain registration you obtain personalized email address – short and sheer, including only information about your business. From now on your professionally looking adress will be easier to remember and associate for your clients.
Strenghten your SEO. According to Google, all new generic top-level domains are positioning up to the same rules, so you don’t have to struggle between .COM and .STORE anymore. While with unique domain for e-commerce you inspire bigger confidence among your clients and achieve more backlinks – great way to improve your SEO.
Brand your business. Owning your website is necessary to build digital-marketing, which is currently very powerful factor in business. Skilfully used, this element can boost your firm, strenghten its position and in result – bring more clients.