Starting from the end of February it will be possible to register .DEV domains. In the past it was popular virtual extension for internal websites testing. Today .DEV becomes real – an official new Top-Level Domain belonging to Google.
There is wide range of new TLDs, however .DEVs are dedicated to developers to share their work, projects, documentation and so on. Google’s idea is to build developers community where they can connect with each others.
Additionally, .DEV is going to be more secure. According to Google, each one of them will be added to HSTS list preload. It means, that every connection with your website will base on secure HTTPS protocol covered by the SSL certificate. What is more, presence on HSTS list can affect your position in Google search engine.
General availability starts on the 28th of February, however there is a possibility to buy your domain sooner in Sunrise. Those, who use Trademark Clearinghouse submission service have priority and can make a purchase from 16th of February. Early Access windows starts 19th of February and lasts until 28th of February. Registration gate then would open for everyone on a first come – first served basis.