.CO.TH regulations summary:

Local company or international (non-Thai) trademark required. The trademark can be registered anywhere in the world, if combined with our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand. We can assist with the registration of a trademark, day-to-day at an appr. one-off cost of 200 USD. Contact us for details.

special promotion for new registrations of .CO.TH domain names - fee reduced

Pricing and requirements for .CO.TH domains, Thailand:

Annual domain fee: USD 69.00* USD 300.00
Annual Local Presence/Trustee Service fee (if required): USD 98.00* USD 250.00
Local company required: YES
Local contact person required: YES
Registration time frame: 2 day(s)

*Promotional price for Thai .CO.TH domain names applies only to new registrations

Enter the .co.th domain name you wish to register, or select an extension group and click search button

For more information on registering .CO.TH domain names with and without Local Trustee Service please refer to:
.CO.TH domain names registration with local presence