In recent weeks, interest in cryptocurrencies has increased in the world.For many people, they are one of the ways to invest. However, as it turns out, not only cryptocurrencies are desirable.
According to the latest reports from Verisign (network security company), in the last month, domains .COM were most popular among registered domains. Published list contains the most popular registered domains and searched keywords from last month.
Usually, there are several related words on the list, this time 9 out of 10 were closely related to virtual currencies:
- Coin
- Crypto
- Bit
- Bitcoin
- Coins
- Ethereum
- Currency
- Amazon
- CryptoCurrency
- Mining
In 8th position you can see Amazon, which has invested in many crypto-currency domains. We speculate that in 2018, the e-commerce giant will introduce the possibility of cryptocurrency payments in its online store, opening to new buyers. All this due to the growing price of Bitcoin, which interest is still growing at a surprising pace. As you can see, the market has shown new paths to invest in domains and hosting.
Many new websites are currently being created, as well with the possibility of buying and exchanging cryptocurrencies. Digital pursuit in this direction continues, and the trend is still growing up.