Enter your desired Thai domain you wish to register, or select an extension and click search button

Thai Domains – Registration Information for applicants with no Local Presence in Thailand.

This page is a complete summary of the Thai domain regulations and the proven solutions by which foreign non-Thai companies, with no local presence in Thailand, who wish to register a Thai .co.th domain, can do so.

For other Thai domain extensions such as in.th, please click the links in the right side column of the page.

How do I register .CO.TH domains in Thailand, without any local presence?
Well, if you want to do business in Thailand and dig into the local market, then the .co.th domain name is a highly efficient and almost mandatory tool that international entities should always seek to utilise to represent their business in Thailand. Your company’s localised website and domain in Thailand can provide pertinent information about your products and services and enhance your visibility by establishing online presence. It will also score high on local Thai search engine results.

With a .co.th domain name, your company will show commitment to the local clientèle and a focus on the local Thai market. And it can also be easily accessed from anywhere across the globe.

Who can normally register a .CO.TH domain name in Thailand?
The basic rule is that domain names under the .co.th extension can only be registered by companies or legal entities with local presence in Thailand. The domain name must be derived from the company name or be an exact match of a Thai trademark (no abbreviation or extensions are allowed). Only one domain per company or trademark is allowed.

However, there are exceptions and solutions. And that is what the rest of this article will focus on.

How can a non-Thai company register a .CO.TH domain?
The solution is a combination of Local Presence service and a registered trademark.
The trademark and owner can be from anywhere in the world, if combined with our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand.

– Foreign applicant
+ Local Trustee Service
+ Trademark (Thai or foreign)
= matching .co.th domain

With the Trustee Service no local presence of any kind is required in order to register a .co.th domain in Thailand.
The only requirement is that the domain name applied for must match a registered trademark from anywhere in the world.
For instance, trademarks registered in USA, specific US states, Canada, the UK, EU/OHIM trademarks, Madrid marks, WIPO marks, Benelux, China, Australia and Germany would all qualify for matching .co.th domains.

What if a company does not have a registered trademark?
If you do not own a matching trademark, Web Solutions can assist with the registration of a trademark, day-to-day at an approximately one-off cost of 100-150 USD.

Alternatively, a Thai trademark can be registered in appr. 1-1½ month. Only Thai companies can register Thai trademarks. If you wish to register such, we can provide a local trustee for the trademark registration.

Currently, there are no limitations on the amount of .CO.TH registrations per client, so long as they all are based on matching trademarks.
Trademarks must be fully registered. Applications does not suffice.

If is important to note that with this solution, neither trademark, trademark owner or domain applicant need to be have a presence in Thailand. This will be all provided via our Trustee Service.

Procedure, .CO.TH domains, Thailand:
What documentation is needed to register a .co.th domain name?
In order to register a .co.th domain based on a foreign Trademark and with local Trustee service, we need scanned copies of the following:

a) Business Certificate of the domain applicant (must be same company which is also the holder of the trademark, otherwise contact us first)
b) The foreign Trademark certificate (non-Thai) – or we can register one for you.
c) A signed Power of Attorney (POA) (we will forward a template)

First note: If the Certificate of Incorporation and/or the Trademark certificate is not in English, you must include an English languaged translation.
Second note: The POA must be printed on the applicant company’s official letterhead.

The name of the person signing the POA, have to appear on the Certificate of incorporation as a fully authorised signatory. Alternatively, if no names are displayed on the Certificate, the signatory must be either the company President/CEO/CFO, Vice President, Director or Manager. Please make sure that the business title is mentioned on the POA.

.CO.TH naming rules:
.co.th domain names can be registered based on:
– the name of the organization or its abbreviated form.
– the name of the Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark/Collective Mark.
– spaces can be removed or replaced with hyphens (-).

Are there any restricted names under .CO.TH. Domain?
Domain names must not consist of rude, immoral or offensive words. A due diligence check is performed on each new application.

Other categories of prohibited domain names include:
– words associated with the King, the Royal Family or any places associated with the King, the Royal Family or the Royalties
– words that might cause damage to the reputation of any person or organization
– words that denote a country, state, province, city or a public place
– vulgar language or language that is contrary to Thai morality
– language insensitive to any religion or belief
– terms associated with the Internet or computers

Need more information, or a quote?
For more detailed information, contact our Support Team at support@web-solutions.eu or via phone on +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.

Can trademarks be used for registering a .CO.TH domain?
Yes, as mentioned earlier in this text, it is possible to register a .CO.TH domain name that matches either a local or international (non-Thai) trademark. If a trademark is registered anywhere outside Thailand, we offer our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand to satisfy the local presence requirement.

Who can register a .IN.TH domain names?
Registration under .IN.TH domain is available for companies based in Thailand or individuals who are either citizen of or reside in Thailand. Further, a Local Presence Service is available for this domain name. There are almost no restrictions, including most generic terms.

Who can register a .OR.TH domain name?
This domain in reserved for Thai non-profit organisations. Only one domain is allowed per organisation. For registration purposes, documentation of official registration as a non-profit organisation is required. For more information, please contact our Support Team at support@web-solutions.eu or via phone on +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.

Other Thai domains designated for specific local usage:
.AC.TH (designated for educational institutions that have been certified by the Ministry of Education in Thailand)
.GO.TH (designated for the government and government projects)
.MI.TH (designated for military use)
.NET.TH (designated for local agents in telecommunication business – internet providers)

How to register CO.TH domain name with and/or without physical presence in Thailand

  1. First, we invite you to visit our CO.TH TLD designated page at //web-solutions.eu/co-th-domain-name-registration.htm in order to get familiar with regulations and current prices.
  2. Enter a domain name of your choice into the domain search box and press the Search button.

    Choose desired domain name

  3. Confirm the domain name availability and price.

    Domain availability and price

    *By clicking the domain status you can once again check the complete domain regulations for Thailand.

    Thailand regulations

  4. Click the checkbox to add your domain to the cart and proceed to checkout.

    Domain added to cart

  5. Choose the registration type and specify your DNS.

    Choose registration type and specify dns

    If you have chosen our Local Presence/Trustee Service, choose the second option to register your Thai domain.
    Your total amount includes both the domain registration and the Local Presence/Trustee Service fees.

    *Remember to set DNS properly before your order is confirmed. Otherwise, Web Solutions` default name servers will be used. You will be able to change them later.

  6. Go to the next step and create new account or sign in to the existing one.

    Sign in

    Register new account

    *You will receive a separate e-mail with your login information sent to the address you have entered above.

  7. Choose the payment method, read and accept Terms & Conditions and click the order confirmation button.

    Payment and confirmation

    *It is possible to pay either by Credit Card or Wire Transfer.

  8. When the order has been completed, the Support Team will contact you to give you an update on the current registration status.

Need more information?

If you would like more information about the Local Presence / Trustee Service in Thailand, have other questions about the Thai domain registration or domains transfer, please don't hesitate to contact us at relations@web-solutions.eu or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971