Detailed Regulations for Domain Name Registration in Thailand.
Applies to .CO.TH and .IN.TH domains
General Requirements for registration of Thai domain names
- Each Thai domain name must consist of minimum 2 but no more than 63 alpha-numeric characters (letters a-z or numbers 0-9).
- A domain name can contain a hyphen (“-“) which cannot be placed next to another hyphen, at the beginning or at the end of the domain name.
- A selected domain name must consist of the same letters as used in the referred name in English, unless otherwise specified in Specific Types of Domain Names.
- A Thai domain name shall not consist of reserved words such as those associated with the King, the Royal Family or any places associated with the King, the Royal Family or the Royalties.
- A domain name shall not contain words that might cause damage to the reputation of any person or organization.
- A domain name shall not consist of words that denote a country, state, province, city or a public place.
- A domain name shall not contain any vulgar language or language that is contrary to Thai morality.
- A domain name shall not consist of language insensitive to any religion or belief.
- A domain name shall not consist of terms associated with the Internet or computers.
To see a list of more reserved words for Thai domains, go to
The Thai Domain Authorities reserve the right to determine the final version of a domain name.
Number of Thai domain names allowed
Each entity is allowed to apply for one domain name within each category unless otherwise specified in Specific Types of Thai Domain Names. However, Trade mark owners can apply for an unlimited number of domain names, so long as the domain names match the Trademark. The registered trademark can be from anywhere in the world, and does thus not need to be Thai.
Name servers
Thai domain name applicants should ensure the configuration of at least two name servers prior to submitting an application for a domain name. Unless the name servers are operational, the registration process shall not continue. If you do not select name servers, or your chosen set of name servers are not configured at the time of registration, we will complete the registration using our name servers.
Each registered Thai domain name is subject to an annual fee and an optional Trustee Service fee when applicable.
Transfer of a Thai domain name to a third party
It is generally not possible to sell or trade a Thai domain. A Thai domain name should be used by the designated domain name holder or any other person referred to in the domain name application. A domain name cannot be transferred unless the domain name holder has renamed their company or the company name has changed due to a business merger.
Domain name termination by the Thai domain Authority
If one of the situations described below should occur, you run the risk of your domain name being terminated by the registry
A Thai domain name can be terminated due to the following reasons:
- A domain holder specifically requests the cancellation of a given domain name in writing.
- A domain registration is revoked by order of the court.
- A domain name does not meet the naming requirements of the Thai Domain Authorities.
- A domain holder cannot be located or passed away. (A written notification supported by pertinent documentation is necessary for the termination of a domain registration.)
- A domain holder has gone bankrupt, is unemployed, or has gone out of business. (A written notification supported by pertinent documentation is necessary for the termination of a domain name registration.)
The length of the domain name registration process
- The duration of approval procedures at the Thai Domain Authorities may differ in each case. From a few days to over a week.
- In case of registering a domain name or a domain name, the total registration process may thus take anywhere from a couple of days to over a week. Registrations with Trustee service usually take one or two days longer than normal registrations.
- The registry will keep each application for a domain name active for 30 days during which other applicants will not be able to apply for the same domain name.
- A given domain name cannot be applied for by the same applicant more than twice within the period of 60 days.
Cancellation of a previously approved Thai domain name
An application for a domain name that has already been approved by the Thai Domain Authorities cannot be canceled, modified or refunded. To cancel or make changes to a registered Thai domain name, a new application needs to be submitted.
Deletion of a domain holder account
The Thai Domain Authorities reserve the right to delete a domain holder account from the system if the account has not been used for more than two years and there are no domain names registered in the account.
.CO.TH, .IN.TH Domain name holder’s responsibilities
It is an applicant’s responsibility to provide correct information in the application for a Thai domain name registration.
Conflict / dispute resolution for Thai domains.
The Thai Domain Authorities do not provide a uniform dispute resolution service or similar dispute resolution process. Neither do they offer arbitration or other kinds of mediation services in any disputes that may arise between the domain name holders. Any conflict must be resolved between the parties or by court order.
False information when registering a .TH domain in Thailand.
The Thai Domain Authorities shall not tolerate any false information or fabricated documentation provided in an application to register a domain name. Should false information or fabricated documents be identified, the domain name shall be suspended or terminated without notice. The holder of such a domain name shall not be entitled to a refund.
Anti-spam policy for Thai domain names
Spam is considered unacceptable and the Thai Domain Authorities reserve the right to revoke the registration of a domain name that has been used for any unlawful purposes such as electronic theft and sending out unsolicited bulk email.
WHOIS Database for .th domains
The WHOIS Database stores information related to all registered domain names including a domain holder’s name, contact information for technical specifications, domain name registration and expiry dates and the name servers information.
Privacy policy for Thai domain names
The Thai Domain Authorities reserve the right to disclose domain name information in the public WHOIS database in the written or on-line form.
Specific Types of Thai domain names domain registration:
Designated for commercial entities and business enterprises (or their local branch offices), state enterprises or legal entities holding Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark/Collective Mark.
Local Proxy Service (Trustee Service):
Entities that do not have a local office in Thailand can use the Local Proxy Service offered by Web Solutions.
All that is required is an international trademark. The trademark can be registered in any country. For instance, US, UK and EU/OHIM trademarks are all eligible for the registration of a matching .CO.TH domain name.
1) Registering a domain name in Thailand based on the name of the organization or its abbreviated form.
Note: Entities that have registered VAT in Thailand but are not commercial entities or business enterprises (or their local branch offices), state enterprises or legal entities holding Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark/Collective Mark can register a domain name by supplying VAT Certificate (form Por-kor0401).
- The domain name must be the same as the company name (the number of characters cannot be changed – spaces can be removed or replaced by hyphens).
- Only one domain name application can be filed by a company.
- A local entity or its local branch office that has been registered in Thailand need to provide their business license/affidavit or form Thor-kor0401/Por-kor0401.
- A foreign entity with a local branch office need to provide:
- business registration documents (the original and the English translation).
- business registration documents for the local branch office in Thailand (has to be a registered tax agent in Thailand).
- a certificate issued by a foreign entity verifying that the local office established in Thailand is their registered agent in Thailand and granting the local agent permission to register the foreign entity’s name as their domain name (the specific domain name must be stated).
Eligible documents which can be used to document your local branch office registration in Thailand:
Phor Por 01 (Must show officer’s signature)
Phor Por 09
Phor Por 20
2) Registering a Thai domain name based on the name of the Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark/Collective Mark.
- A domain name must be identical with the Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark /Collective Mark (no abbreviations or extensions are permitted).
- An entity holding more than one Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark /Collective Mark is allowed to register the same number of domain names as the number of marks.
- Entities whose Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark /Collective Mark was registered within Thailand need to provide a certificate of registration for the Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark /Collective Mark issued by Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property.
- Foreign entities whose Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark /Collective Mark has been registered outside Thailand need to have a local branch office (a registered tax agent) in Thailand.
Note: This complete service can be provided via our Trustee Service for Thailand. All you need to provide is a trademark registration matching the requested domain name!
- Documents that need to be provided include:
- a certificate of registration for the Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark /Collective Mark (the original and the English translation),
- registration documentation for the local branch office in Thailand,
- a certificate issued by a foreign entity verifying that the local office established in Thailand is their registered agent in Thailand and granting the local agent permission to register the foreign entity’s Trademark/Certification Mark/Service Mark /Collective Mark as their domain name (the specific domain name must be stated).
- available to organizations based in Thailand or individuals who are citizens or residents of Thailand.
Web-Solutions further offer a Local Proxy Service to those entities or private persons who do not have physical local presence in Thailand.
- Unlimited number of domain names can be registered.
- A domain name can consist of any words following the general requirements.
- Foreign trademark holders can register their domain names under in order to protect their rights. In such cases, the domain name must be identical with the trademark and the registered domain would remain inactive. The renewal fee is the same as for the active domain names.
Required documents:
Organizations need to provide official registration documentation and fill in domain registration application stating the specific domain name and the name of the domain holder.
Individuals aged 15 years and older need to provide the following:
- Identification Card/Government Card
- Driving license
- Thai Passport
- Thai work permit
For individuals under the age of 15, a Thai domain name can be applied for by the parent or a legal guardian.
Registering a Thai domain name under .ไทย
Any private person or a company based in Thailand can register a .ไทย domain name following the same regulations and procedures that refer to the corresponding .th domain name. For entities who do not have a physical local presence in Thailand Web Solutions offers Local Proxy Service.
The .ไทย domain name shall be a Thai equivalent of the English name used in the domain name registered under .th.
1. An application for a .ไทย domain name can be based on an English .th domain name that has already been registered.
2. An application for a .th domain name in English can be based on a .ไทย domain name that has already been registered.
3. An application for a .ไทย domain name can be filed provided that there are no outstanding payments pertaining to the corresponding English domain name registered under .th. Furthermore, the corresponding .th domain name is not suspended, revoked or under dispute.
In case a Thai domain name of choice has already been registered by another party, an applicant shall select another domain name in accordance with the criteria described below:
- A .ไทย domain name shall not consist of any words referring to the King, the Royal Family and the Royalties or any place referring to the King, the Royal Family or the Royalties.
- A .ไทย domain name shall not consist of any words insensitive to any religion or belief.
- A .ไทย domain name shall not consist of any words that may cause damage to the reputation of any person or organisation. The use of language that is satirical, mocking or sarcastic in nature or language that may promote animosity or detestation is not allowed.
- A .ไทย domain name shall not consist of any words denoting the name of any country, state, city, province or any public place.
- A .ไทย domain name shall not consist of any vulgar words or language that are contrary to Thai morality (including words that are not inherently vulgar but can produce offensive language by other means such as word transformation, etc.).
- A .ไทย domain name shall consist of minimum 2 Thai alphabet characters.
- A .ไทย domain name shall consist of Thai alphabet characters (i.e. ก-ฮ,ฤ,ฤๅ,ฦ,ฦๅ), vowels, Thai numerals (๐ – ๙ ), tone marks, repetitive sign (ๆ),upper dot (อํ), lower dot (อ.), the mark (์) or the mark (ฯ) only.
- Any Arabic numerals (such as numbers 0-9) can be used together with the minimum of one of the Thai alphabet characters described above.
- A hyphen (-) can be used in a .ไทย domain name but it cannot be placed next to another hyphen, at the beginning or at the end of the domain name.
- A .ไทย domain name shall correspond to the English domain name registered under .th in the following manner:
1. A .ไทย domain name shall match the appropriate category of Thai domain names as follows: shall relate to .ธุรกิจ.ไทย shall relate to .ไทย shall relate to .ศึกษา.ไทย shall relate to .รัฐบาล.ไทย shall relate to .ทหาร.ไทย shall relate to .เน็ต.ไทย shall relate to .องค์กร.ไทย
2. A .ไทย domain name shall retain the same meaning or pronunciation as the corresponding English name registered under .th.
3. In case the name of an organisation is different in the Thai language than in the English language, appropriate documentation to support such a claim needs to be submitted. Then, the domain name registered under .ไทย can consist of the full name of the organisation or an abbreviated form of that name or the meaning of that organization.
- A holder of a .ไทย domain can register another domain under .ไทย which can be used as the basis for registering a corresponding English domain name under Both the Thai and the corresponding English domain names shall have the same meaning or pronunciation in accordance with the Lexitron Dictionary (electronic dictionary available at
- An applicant for a .ไทย domain name agrees to provide all documents necessary for domain registration in a timely manner (usually within 3 business days of the request).
- An applicant for a .ไทย domain name shall be informed via email whether or not the selected Thai domain name can be registered.
- In case there are more than one applicant for the same domain name, the domain name shall be granted to the applicant whose application was submitted first (date and time of the application will be the deciding factor).
- Any disputes related to the rejection of an application for a domain name shall be handled by the Committee of Domain Name Policy at the Thai Domain Authorities. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
- designated for Non-Government Organizations such as foundations, associations, public organizations, councils, religious places, cooperatives, embassies, parties, chambers of commerce, clubs or social projects, etc.
An organization is allowed to register only one domain name.
Documents required for domain registration:
- Official organization registration papers issued by the Thai Government.
- If the above document cannot be provided, the following documents must be provided instead:
1. A document listing the committee members, the organization’s objective, the address and the due date of the project (if a domain name is registered within a project).
2. A certificate issued by a Non-Government Organization that has the status of a legal entity or a government agency verifying that such an organization exists.
TLDs designated for specific local usage: designated for educational institutions that have been certified by the Ministry of Education in Thailand. designated for the government and government projects designated for military use designated for local agents in telecommunication business (internet providers)
How to register a .CO.TH domain name in Thailand
Local presence for a Thai .CO.TH domain, Here is how to find it.

As many non-Thai domain applicants has found out, the basic rules for registration of .CO.TH domains are very restrictive. The following is a guide for non-Thai companies, and outlines the different methods by which its possible for such non.Thai entity to acquire a .CO.TH domain. Thai domain registration requirements There are two ways by which a [...]
This once-off offer is available for a limited time window ending 10 May 2015 and allows the above mentioned applicant profiles to [...]
The Thai domain registry has decided to, in return for a solid charity contribution, allow holders of third level .CO.TH domains t [...]