Registration of .TH domain names for Thailand is currently unavailable.
Unfortunately, domain names in .TH extension for Thailand are not available for registration at the moment. You may check alternative nameplaces/extensions for Thailand that are available. Click your chosen TLD to read more about Thai registry regulations, policy and prices for the domains listed.
Trustee service for Thai .TH domain names
Please note that the Trustee Service for Thailand is offered free of charge!
If you have no local presence in Thailand, but would like to register a .TH domain name, simply select Local Presence/Trustee Service during the order process.
If you opt to take advantage of our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thai domain names, Web Solutions itself, its local branch office or a local agent assigned by us will become the legal holders and administrative contacts of the relevant .TH domains.
Acceptable .TH domain types:
Domain names related to your company name, products, services and trademarks can all be registered via our Trustee Service for .TH domain names. If you are planning to register domains relating to gambling, chat, erotic content, advertising or similar name categories, such names must be pre-approved individually and may incur a higher service charge. Please email us in advance at
DNS choice for Thailand:
All the .TH domain names may be hosted on your own name servers. If you specify no name servers, we will provide DNS for your Thai domains free of charge.
User Certificate for Thai Trustee domains:
As soon as the .TH domain names have been registered, we will forward to you a User Certificate which defines your rights and the terms under which we are providing the Trustee Service for Thailand - including that you will be considered the rightful user of the domain names, with full authority to define technical settings and to manage the usage of the domain.
If you would like to review a sample User Certificate, please write to us at Some of the terms of use of the Local Presence/Trustee Service are also mentioned in our general terms of business at
Web Solutions will be supplying the Local Presence/Trustee Service as is, and cannot guarantee against unforeseen interruptions or discontinuance of service. We can never be held responsible for any losses sustained by our clients, directly or indirectly, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such losses or damages.
Register the Thai trademark!
There will always be risks involved with using a local presence or trustee service such as this. We strongly recommend that our clients strengthen the legal standing of their .TH domains, by registering matching trademarks in Thailand.
No warehousing of Thai .TH domain names with Trustee Service!
It is expressly not permitted to use our Trustee Service for .TH domain names for the purpose of purchasing and selling domain names. Exceptions may be made for certain generic type domain names, in which case an agreement must be made in writing between ourselves, prior to the registration of the domain name.
Dont spam using your .TH domain names with Trustee Service!
If you are planning to send out large amounts of emails from your TH domain with Trustee Service (over 50 recipients at once), you must inform us in advance and seek prior approval.
If you would like more information regarding Trustee Service for Thai domain names, or would like to review a draft User Certificate, please contact our support team.
How to transfer domains to Web Solutions?
Required info:
- Enter the domains you wish to have transferred to Web Solutions into the box (please note that transfer of .TH domain names to Web Solutions is currently not available)
- Fill in your name and email address
- Press Confirm. A person from Web Solutions Support will contact you, in order to process the transfer request
Additional information:
- If you have Auth. Codes ready, include these. If not, you can send them later
- If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer
How to register a .CO.TH domain name in Thailand
Local presence for a Thai .CO.TH domain, Here is how to find it.

As many non-Thai domain applicants has found out, the basic rules for registration of .CO.TH domains are very restrictive. The following is a guide for non-Thai companies, and outlines the different methods by which its possible for such non.Thai entity to acquire a .CO.TH domain. Thai domain registration requirements There are two ways by which a [...]
This once-off offer is available for a limited time window ending 10 May 2015 and allows the above mentioned applicant profiles to [...]
The Thai domain registry has decided to, in return for a solid charity contribution, allow holders of third level .CO.TH domains t [...]