Applying for .FI domain name
Form and content of a .FI domain name
- A domain name must consist of at least two characters. The name can be formed of up to 63 characters that my include letters a-z, numbers 0-9 and a hyphen. Finnish domain names can also include the Samí language characters (more information on the native language characters is posted below)
- A domain name cannot be formed of a singular word denoting a form of an association, a foundation or an enterprise nor their abbreviation.
- A domain name cannot be formed of the word “trademark”.
- A domain name cannot consist of a globally used Top Level Domain name or a name used as country code.
- A domain name cannot be unlawfully formed of a protected name or trademark belonging to another party or based on a natural person’s name (that is a person’s first name and family name).
To check the names and marks protected by the registry, you can contact our support at
- A domain name cannot include expressions that are insulting in nature or encourage criminal activity.
Filing an application for a .FI domain name
- Application for a .FI domain name via Web Solutions website should include the necessary information such as: applicant’s name, personal identification number, postal address, e-mail address and details about the name servers connected to the domain name. Our automated domain registration system will prompt you when to enter the appropriate data.
- If necessary, Web Solutions may issue additional orders on the technical specifications. The minimum of two name servers must be configured for any given domain name. The operation of the name servers specified in the application is verified automatically. In case the DNS specifications are not correct, Web Solutions will use their default name servers which can be changed by the domain holder later (about 2 weeks after the registration process has been completed). Name server specifications can be changed by using the domain administration panel or by contacting our support team on
- An applicant may apply for one or more .FI domain names.
- The domains which have been applied for by more than one applicant are granted on a first come first served basis.
Country code top level domain .FI can be granted to:
- an individual or a private entrepreneur registered in Finland
- a Finnish public body, enterprise, corporation or association
- a foreign state’s diplomatic mission
- a person aged 15 years or older residing in Finland and holding a Finnish personal identification number
- any other person or entity without local presence in Finland by using the Local Presence Service offered by Web Solutions
Granting a .FI domain name
- Web Solutions may verify the applications for the correctness of data so the form and content of a given domain name meet the requirements.
- If all application requirements are met, a domain name shall be granted and will be valid for 3 years. To renew a domain name, the applicant pays a renewal fee by the date provided ahead of time by Web Solutions’ support team. A reminder notice about the domain name expiry date will be sent to the address specified in the domain name application.
- Due to insufficient data or some other obstacles of technical nature that prevent an application from being approved, an application may expire. The applicant shall be informed of insufficiency or impediments that need to be remedied within the minimum period of one month. If an applicant fails to meet the requirements, he or she will be informed of an application’s expiry date. Our Support Team will contact the applicant about any discrepancies.
Transferring and renewing a .FI domain name
- It is possible to transfer a domain name to another party. For details, contact Web Solutions support team on
- A domain name may be renewed by a holder for a period of no more than 5 years at a time by paying an annual domain renewal fee. Please check our .FI designated web-page for current pricing information or contact our Support Team on Web Solutions shall inform the domain name holder about the renewal date in advance by e-mail.
- If the domain name holder does not pay the domain name fee by the required date, the domain name expires and Web Solutions releases the domain name.
- The expired domain name may be granted to another applicant no sooner than one month after the expiry of the name.
Responsibilities of a .FI domain name holder
- A holder of a .FI domain name shall ensure that all required technical specifications are available at all times.
- A domain name holder shall inform Web Solutions about any changes in data provided on the domain name application.
- At Web Solutions’ request, a domain name holder shall provide other information necessary for full compliance with the Finnish Domain Name Authority’s regulations.
- A domain name applicant shall make sure that the name services for the applied domain name are functional and, if there are any changes in the name server or service provider, the applicant will notify Web Solutions of the changes.
.FI Registry
- .FI Domain Name Registry shall include the following:
- the domain name
- the applicant’s public contact information (for an individual that will include the applicant’s name, telephone number and a postal address)
- name servers’ data
- technical administrator’s contact information
- other technical information necessary for domain name management
- An individual person may refuse to have the contact information published in the Domain Name Registry with the exception of the name.
- For as long as a domain name is valid, relevant information may be stored in the .FI Domain Name Registry.
- Information in the .FI Domain Name Registry may also be presented electronically or via public information network.
Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
- IDNs are domain names consisting of native language characters. Since 2006, it has been possible to use Samí language characters in domain names. The allowed characters are as follows:
Character | Code | Name |
áá | 00E1 | Latin lower-case letter and acute accent |
ââ | 00E2 | Latin lower-case letter and circumflex |
ää | 00E4 | Latin lower-case letter and diaresis |
åå | 00E5 | Latin lower-case letter a and ring |
čč | 010C | Latin lower-case letter c and circumflex accent |
đđ | 0111 | Latin lower-case letter d and traverse |
ǥǥ | 01E5 | Latin lower-case letter d and traverse |
ǧǧ | 01E7 | Latin lower-case letter g and circumflex accent |
ǩǩ | 01E9 | Latin lower-case letter k and circumflex accent |
ŋŋ | 014B | Latin lower-case letter, nasal n |
õõ | 00F5 | Latin lower-case letter o and tilde |
öö | 00F6 | Latin lower-case letter o and diaresis (small ö in standard language) |
š | 0161 | Latin lower-case letter s and circumflex accent |
ŧ | 0167 | Latin lower-case letter t and traverse |
ž | 01E7 | Latin lower-case letter z and circumflex accent |
ʒ | 0292 | Latin lower-case letter ʒ |
ǯ | 01EF | Latin lower-case letter ʒ and circumflex accent |
A hyphen cannot be positioned at the beginning or the end of a domain name. A hyphen cannot be used in both the third and fourth positions of a domain name in plain text (e.g. ääkkö However, it is not a requirement for a domain name containing native language characters (e.g.
- Some technical restrictions (in keyboard support and application) apply to the use of Finnish IDNs.
- Some software programs are not supported by national domain names but those that do (Internet browsers and email programs) convert them from plain text to an ACE string automatically. ACE string is a form compatible with name server systems. When a Finnish domain name is registered, the domain name is displayed in both plain text and as an ACE string by the .FI domain name service. It is recommended that holders of national domain names have a plain text domain name as well.
- Here is a list of Internet browsers that are supported by IDNs:
- Firefox 0.6 or later
- Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 or later
- Mozilla 1.4 or later
- Netscape Navigator 7.1 or later
- Opera 7.11 or later
Mac OS X
- Camino Version: 0.7 or later
- Firefox 0.6 or later
- Mozilla 1.4 or later
- Netscape Navigator 7.1 or later
- Opera 7.11 or later
- Safari 1.2 or later
- Epiphany 1.2.2 or lateri (Gnome)
- Firefox 0.6 or later
- Galeon 1.3.14 or later (Gnome)
- Konqueror 3.2 or later (KDE)
- Mozilla 1.4 or later
- Netscape Navigator 7.1 or later
- Opera 7.11 or later
Suspension and Revocation of .FI domain names
- Based on the Domain Name Act, it is not permitted to register a domain name that is illegally based on a natural person’s name or someone else’s trademark or protected name. When requested by the holder of a trademark or a protected name, The Finnish Domain Name Authority can suspend or revoke such a domain name.
- The suspension allows the former holder to keep the domain name, but access to it is forbidden. The suspension is imposed for a set time – one year maximum. After the set time limit, the Finnish Domain Name Authority will have the domain name restored to the holder unless the Authority makes the decision to revoke the domain name. For certain reasons, such as a court hearing, police investigation or a case still pending, the Finnish Domain Name Authority can extend the suspension time limit. The domain name that is still under the Authority’s review cannot be transferred to a new holder.
- When a domain name is revoked, the domain name holder cannot keep the domain name based on the Finnish Domain Name Authority’s decision.
- The Authority’s decisions concerning whether or not a domain name should be suspended or revoked can be appealed to the Helsinki Administrative Court. Regardless of the appeal, the Authority can decide to put suspension or revocation decision into effect immediately.
- Requests for a domain name suspension or revocation must be submitted to the Finnish Domain Name Authority in writing and contain the relevant information such as: contact information for the person/organisation submitting the request, the domain name the request refers to, the reasons for the request, information about the protected name or trademark and the requested course of action (suspension, revocation, revocation and transfer of the domain name to the holder of the protected name or trademark).
- The request must be submitted in Finnish or Swedish.
- For more information about suspending or revoking .FI domain names, please contact Web Solutions’ Support Team on
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The Norwegian domain .NO is the third safest country code Top Level Domain in the world following .FI of Finland and .IR of Ireland.

In a world-wide web test evaluating safe use of web sites within 265 national top-level domains in the world, Norwegian domain .no has ranked as number three. The Norwegian domain is considered to be among the safest in the world when it comes to virus and other web site security threats. Norwegian web sites have less pop-up windows and spam than m [...]
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