Enter the .co.th domain name you wish to register, or select an extension group and click search button

.CO.TH regulations summary:

Local company or international (non-Thai) trademark required. The trademark can be registered anywhere in the world, if combined with our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand. We can assist with the registration of a trademark, day-to-day at an appr. one-off cost of 200 USD. Contact us for details.

Annual domain fee: EUR 285.00
Annual Local Presence/Trustee Service fee (if required): EUR 238.00

DNS Service/Web forwarding is included, free of charge.

.CO.TH full regulations:

Local presence or international trademark required. The trademark and owner can be from anywhere in the world, if combined with our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand. We can assist with the registration of a trademark, day-to-day at an appr. one-off cost of 200 USD.

With Trustee Service no local presence of any kind is required in order to register a CO.TH domain in Thailand.
The only requirement is that the domain name applied for must match a registered trademark from anywhere in the world.
For instance, trademarks registered in the US, individual US states, UK, EU/OHIM, Benelux, Japan, South Africa and Denmark would all qualify for matching .CO.TH domains.

If you do not own a matching trademark, we can assist in registering such either in Thailand, or via a trademark office which provide fast registration service. There are some different solutions for registering a trademark, with the fastest and least costly being day-to-day at a one-off cost of appr. 200 USD. A Trademark in Thailand takes longer to register, usually 30-45 days. For more detailed information, please call or email us.

Neither trademark, trademark owner or domain applicant need to be have a presence in Thailand. This will be provided via our Trustee Service. The trademark and domain name must match. Spaces can be removed or replaced with hyphens.

Currently, there are no limitations on the amount of .CO.TH registrations per client, so long as they all are based on matching trademarks.
Trademarks must be fully registered. Applications does not suffice.

In order to register a .CO.TH domain based on a foreign Trademark, we need scanned copies of the following:

1) Certificate of Incorporation of the applicant company (must be same company which is also the holder of the trademark, otherwise contact us first)
2) The foreign Trademark certificate (non-Thai)
3) A signed Power of Attorney (POA) (we will forward a template)

Note 1: If the Certificate of Incorporation and/or the Trademark certificate is not in English, you must include an English languaged translation.

Note 2: The POA must be printed on the applicant company's official letterhead.
The name of the person signing the POA, have to appear on the Business Certificate as an authorised person. Alternatively, if there are no names mentioned on the Business Certificate, the signatory must be either the company President, Vice President, Director or Manager. Please make sure that the business title is mentioned on the POA.

The domain and the Trademark have to be identical.
If the Trademark contains several words, spaces can be removed or replaced with hyphens (-).

Other than the below topics, there are no restrictions or limitations, so long as the domains are not in obvious violation of local laws or third party rights.
We will perform a due diligence check of each new application.
- Pornography (if in doubt of the scope of this restriction, contact us)
- Gambling (if in doubt of the scope of this restriction, contact us)
- Any reference to the Thai king, his family or their possessions.
- Words that are vulgar or defamatory in a broad sense
- Geographical places in Thailand
- Words which may offend religious groups
- Conflicts with well known brands or Thai company names and Trademarks
- Basic generic Internet and computer terms (if in doubt of the scope of this restriction, contact us)

Spamming is unacceptable. The Thai domain registry will without notice suspend or delete any domain found to be involved with spamming, phishing or other activities deemed to be unlawful in Thailand.

Frequently Asked Questions for .CO.TH domain names and Thailand
Is local company in Thailand required?
Yes, or an international trademark. Web Solutions offer a Trustee Service for .CO.TH domains, eligible for owners of international trademarks. The trademark can be from any country world-wide. We can assist with the registration of a trademark, day-to-day at an appr. one-off cost of 200 USD.
Is local admin contact in Thailand required?
The administrative contact service will be provided as part of our Trustee Service.
Are trademarks usable in Thailand?
Any international trademark can be used as grounds for registration of an identical .CO.TH domain, in conjunction with our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thailand. For instance, US, UK, JP or OHIM trademarks are all eligible. Neither trademark, trademark owner or domain applicant need to be have a presence in Thailand. This will be provided via our Trustee Service. The trademark and domain name must match. Spaces can be removed or replaced with hyphens.

If you do not own a matching trademark, we can assist in registering such either in Thailand, or via a trademark office which provide fast registration service. There are some different solutions for registering a trademark, with the fastest and least costly being day-to-day at a one-off cost of appr. 100-150 USD. A Trademark in Thailand takes longer to register, usually 30-45 days. Trademarks must be fully registered. Applications does not suffice.
For more detailed information, please call or email us.
Does Web Solutions offer an agent solution?
Yes. The Trustee Service is all-inclusive. It includes both a proxy registrant and local contact person (admin-c). All you need to provide is a matching trademark registration from anywhere in the world. If you have no such trademark, we can assist in registering one through a trademark office offering speedy and low-cost registration (within a week). Alternatively, consider registering an .IN.TH domain, which require no such trademark.
Is Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) available?
It is not possible to register .CO.TH IDN domain names with non-ASCII characters.
Are generic domains allowed for .CO.TH?
Yes, so long as they match a registered international trademark from any country. If your domain relates to erotic or gambling content and you wish to use our Trustee Service, please contact us for pre-approval.
How much time does it take to register .CO.TH domain name?
2 day/s
Usually, it takes 2 day/s to register a .CO.TH domain name in Thailand. We will file the application as soon as possible. However, we cannot provide guarantees as we have no influence on the speed of the Thai domain authority once the application has been filed.
What is the minimum of characters allowed for .CO.TH domains?
It is not possible to apply for .CO.TH domain names with less than 2 characters.
What is the maximum of characters allowed for .CO.TH domains?
It is not possible to apply for .CO.TH domain names with more than 63 characters.
Can I register more than one Thai domain name?
YES, unlimited
There is a one domain name limit per local company. However, international trademark owners can register any amount of domains, so long as they match a trademark registration from any country. If you do not have a matching trademark, we can register one for you at a cost of appr. 100-150 USD.
Are there other domain extensions related to Thailand?

Yes, there are more Thai extensions available at Web Solutions. Some of them might not require local presence and may be unrestricted. Please check the available extensions for Thailand below:

Trustee service for Thai .CO.TH domain names

If you opt to take advantage of our Local Presence/Trustee Service for Thai domain names, Web Solutions itself, its local branch office or a local agent assigned by us will become the legal holders and administrative contacts of the relevant .CO.TH domains.

Acceptable .CO.TH domain types:

Domain names related to your company name, products, services and trademarks can all be registered via our Trustee Service for .CO.TH domain names. If you are planning to register domains relating to gambling, chat, erotic content, advertising or similar name categories, such names must be pre-approved individually and may incur a higher service charge. Please email us in advance at support@web-solutions.eu.

DNS choice for Thailand:

All the .CO.TH domain names may be hosted on your own name servers. If you specify no name servers, we will provide DNS for your Thai domains free of charge.

User Certificate for Thai Trustee domains:

As soon as the .CO.TH domain names have been registered, we will forward to you a User Certificate which defines your rights and the terms under which we are providing the Trustee Service for Thailand - including that you will be considered the rightful user of the domain names, with full authority to define technical settings and to manage the usage of the domain.

If you would like to review a sample User Certificate, please write to us at support@web-solutions.eu. Some of the terms of use of the Local Presence/Trustee Service are also mentioned in our general terms of business at


Web Solutions will be supplying the Local Presence/Trustee Service as is, and cannot guarantee against unforeseen interruptions or discontinuance of service. We can never be held responsible for any losses sustained by our clients, directly or indirectly, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such losses or damages.

Register the Thai trademark!

There will always be risks involved with using a local presence or trustee service such as this. We strongly recommend that our clients strengthen the legal standing of their .CO.TH domains, by registering matching trademarks in Thailand.

No warehousing of Thai .CO.TH domain names with Trustee Service!

It is expressly not permitted to use our Trustee Service for .CO.TH domain names for the purpose of purchasing and selling domain names. Exceptions may be made for certain generic type domain names, in which case an agreement must be made in writing between ourselves, prior to the registration of the domain name.

Dont spam using your .CO.TH domain names with Trustee Service!

If you are planning to send out large amounts of emails from your CO.TH domain with Trustee Service (over 50 recipients at once), you must inform us in advance and seek prior approval.

If you would like more information regarding Trustee Service for Thai domain names, or would like to review a draft User Certificate, please contact our support team.

How to transfer domains to Web Solutions?

Required info:

  • Enter the domains you wish to have transferred to Web Solutions into the box
  • Fill in your name and email address
  • Press Confirm. A person from Web Solutions Support will contact you, in order to process the transfer request

Additional information:

  • If you have Auth. Codes ready, include these. If not, you can send them later
  • If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer

Privacy policy


Please enter the complete company name, including legal type such as Ltd., Inc., SARL, GMBH, etc. Maximum 100 characters allowed.
Required field. Please enter first name. Maximum 50 characters allowed.
Required field. Please enter address. Maximum 50 characters allowed. If your company has its own postal code, and thus no address, simply repeat the company name in this field.
Required fields. Please enter city - Maximum 50 characters allowed. Please enter the postal code - Maximum 10 characters allowed.
Required field. Please select country.
Required field. Must follow valid email format, eg. email@email.com. Maximum 100 characters allowed.
Required field. Only numbers/digits are allowed.

Domains to transfer

This field is optional. If you have any suggestions on our pre-registration module or have additional questions please feel free to enter them in the comment field.



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Need more information?

If you would like more information about the Local Presence / Trustee Service in Thailand, or have other questions about the .CO.TH domain registration or domains transfer, please don't hesitate to contact us at relations@web-solutions.eu or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971