Required documents for registration. BA
According to the Regulation on the registration and use of domain names under the Bosnia-Herzegovina National Internet Domain Names. ” BA” following entities may register and use the domain name:
- Foreign and domestic economic entities ;
- The authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Entities and Brcko District , Canton, as well as municipal and city authorities ;
- Lawyer offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Embassies and Consulates accredited to Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- International organizations with an office in Bosnia and Herzegovina ;
- Non-governmental organizations based in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Citizens Association based in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- All other domestic legal entities that want to protect their name . BA domain ;
- An adult natural persons who are nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina or have permanent residence in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
Foreign business entities listed under a) can be registered only through an agent based in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
To register a domain name under . BA for legal entities following documents are needed :
First The application for registration of the domain name for legal entities (you can take here )
2nd The completed application form for legal entities ( complete online )
3rd – A copy of the decision on the appropriate register with the competent organ (economic entities register, register organization , register lawyers, etc. ) ;
– Other relevant document which faces confirm their status .
– Certified (bilingual ) the power of attorney in case of a foreign undertaking .
To register a domain name under . BA for individuals following documents are needed:
First An application for the registration of domain names for individuals (you can get here )
2nd The completed application form for individuals ( complete online )
3rd – Domestic citizens – valid personal identification document with photo ( personal / identity card , passport / passport, driving license ) for review
– Foreign nationals – valid passport / passport and valid proof of residence in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina for review .
– Notarized power of attorney if the request is submitted by the representative .
Terms of Use and WHOIS
These conditions regulate the issues of using data available through the WHOIS Register of Internet Domain Names of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ba.
WHOIS information is used solely to interested persons may obtain information on the existence of domains, its status as the identity of the registrant. Information from WHOIS and provides Register. Ba domains. Registry does not guarantee the accuracy of the data published by this service. All data from the WHOIS service are available solely for informational purposes or for reasons of registration or verifying the accuracy of the registered domain and may not be used for any other purpose. In particular, prohibits the use of data for commercial purposes or for their further dissemination in any way.
All persons, which is made possible by these regulations to have the right to use, they can register and use the domain name directly under. Ba domains, according to the ””.
CATEGORY III domain name under the ccTLD domain. Ba
. BA is the national domain of Bosnia and Herzegovina , an element of its national wealth and sovereignty , as well as the foundation of its identity in the virtual world of the Internet. ccTLD . BA is in line with international recommendations, ICANN , ie RFC 1591 , divided by the standard subdomains :
a) . – delegated ,
b ) . – intended for the registration of institutions dealing with education : primary, secondary and vocational schools registered with the relevant ministries and private schools, as well as economic entities ( firms) who are registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose primary business education or training ,
c) . – intended for the registration of organs at all levels of the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and government agencies ,
d) . – intended for the registration of legal entities that are providers of Internet services in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
e) . – intended for the registration of organizations and citizens’ associations , cultural institutions, museums, theaters and other non-profit legal entities registered in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
f). – intended for the registration of the military authorities.
The domain name is a character string, and must meet the following technical requirements :
First consists entirely of characters from the set of 26 letters of the English alphabet ( not distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase ) , numbers 0-9 , and the hyphen (-) ,
2nd the first and last character in the string can not be ” – ” or a series can be a sign “-” twice in a row and
3rd consists of at least three and no more than 63 characters .
Domain names under . , . , . , . and . must meet the following requirements :
First consist entirely of characters from the set of 26 letters of the English alphabet ( not distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase ) , numbers 0-9 , and the hyphen (-) ,
2nd the first and last character in the string can not be ” – ” or a series can be a sign “-” twice in a row and
3rd consist of at least two and a maximum of 63 characters.
The domain name can be any character set that meets the requirements of this Regulation and is not contrary to Article 28 this Ordinance .
V the right to register and use a domain name
Entities that can be registered and used the domain name in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 Ordinance, through the registry and authorized the Registrar are:
a) domestic economic entities ,
b ) foreign legal entities through its embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina or agent / attorney based in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina . Agent can be any legal entity authorized by the user of the domain name ,
c) The bodies of all levels of government of Bosnia and Herzegovina (entities, city government and municipal authorities ) and the Brcko District,
d) lawyer’s offices and offices based in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
e) embassies and consulates accredited to Bosnia and Herzegovina
f) an international organization operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina
g) an international organization with headquarters or branch in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
h ) non-governmental organization based in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
i) citizens’ associations based in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
j) other domestic legal entities ,
k) adult individuals who are citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina
l) foreign nationals residing in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
Legal persons referred to in Article 6 can register and use an unlimited number of terms . ba domains.
Registry reserves the right, in exceptional cases registered domains that are of special interest to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the stability and functioning of the service registry.
Registry keeps a public filing of the registered name. Ba public domain and it shows through Binder contains updated information about domain names under. Ba domain registry is registered under the provisions of the Ordinance.
The registration procedure begins the booking desired name. Ba domains.
For each domain name record data on:
– The domain name,
– The date of registration of the domain name ,
– The purpose for which you will use the domain name ,
– The domain name ,
– Registrar (if the domain name registered by an authorized Registrar )
– Administrative contact,
– Technical contact,
– Contact us for payment
– Contact zone ( for domain names that are registered by proxy) and
– Name servers and network addresses them.
The administrative contact , in the event that the user is given the domain name an individual, always the user of the domain name. If the beneficiary is a legal entity, the administrative contact person is the legal entity / user which is the domain name user in touch with register on the status and documentation in the process of registration and use of. Ba domains. The exceptions are cases when the user domain foreign legal entity that domain name hired by proxy / zone contact.
The administrative contact of the domain name can obtain:
– Change the domain name in accordance with Article 35 Ordinance
– Change the user of the domain name in accordance with Article 36 Ordinance
– Exchange of information about the domain name (address, phone, fax, e- mail)
– Exchange of information on administrative, technical and contact for payment
– Change the zone of contact in accordance with Article 39 Ordinance
– Change the data on the primary and secondary server,
– Delete the reserved domain names and
– Delete a registered domain name.
Technical Contact is the person who is appointed by the user of the domain name , and with sufficient technical knowledge for professional collaboration with register in proceedings to establish and use of domain names. This can be a user of the domain name, or any other legal or natural person who is appointed by the user of the domain name.
Technical contact request:
– Exchange of information on technical and contact
– Exchange of information on primary and secondary server .
Register via e- mail contact address for payment by :
– Estimate for the assignment / activation domain names and
– A warning for possible non-payment of the invoice for annual maintenance .
Register to the mailing address of contact for payment by invoice for the annual maintenance of the reserved domain names.
Zone contact (it probably refers to regional/local agent) the proxy domain name user who is taking all the necessary actions in order, in accordance with the Regulations, provided registration, maintenance and deletion of domain names on behalf of the domain name from which it has received authorization. Zone contact is required to act in the best interest of the person represented compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
Article 19 – I’m not sure if the info below needs to be included – it most likely lists the activities that can be performed by a local proxy on behalf of a domain holder.
Zone contact request:
– Change the domain name in accordance with Article 35 Ordinance
– Change the user of the domain name in accordance with Article 36 Ordinance
– Exchange of information about the domain name (address, phone, fax, e- mail)
– Exchange of information on administrative, technical contact, contact for payment and contact zone,
– Change the data on the primary and secondary server ,
– Delete the reserved domain names and
– Delete a registered domain name. If the contact zone requires delete a registered domain name, the registry may request a written statement from the user of the domain name.
Article 21 – The below paragraph refers to submitting and signing required documents – I’m not sure if it needs to be included.
Faces of Article 6 this Rule may apply for registration and use (hereinafter : application ) any available domain name or domain name that does not have the status of reserved or registered and in accordance with the Regulations . By submitting an application user declares and accepts that , according to their best knowledge and sincere beliefs , the registration requirement of the domain name is not inconsistent with the right to the intellectual property rights of third parties or any other rights. If the applicant is a natural person , the same shall be signed single-handedly. If the domain name user visually impaired people or people who for health reasons is unable to personally sign the application, the application shall be signed in the same way as it was signed on the valid documents of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a picture ( personal / identity card , passport / passport).
If the applicant is a legal entity, it must be single-handedly signed by an authorized person and stamped legal entity.
If a request is made on behalf of the assignee of the face, under Article 6 this Ordinance, the same must be certified by the authorized person.
Article 22
In addition to the requirements of legal persons under Article 6 Regulations and submit documents confirming their status as follows:
a) legal entities:
– A copy of the decision on the appropriate register by the competent authority (eg the register of companies, the register of associations, organizations register , the register of lawyers ) or other relevant official document confirming their status ,
– Bilingual authorization ( in one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina and English ) which is certified ( signed ) by the donor power of attorney , if it is a foreign legal entity . Bilingual authorization is not required in cases where they are legal persons originating from countries where the official language of one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
b ) legal entities which wish to register the domain name under:
– . subdomain – in addition to the above documents and submit a copy of the notification of the classification of activities
– . subdomain – in addition to the above documents and submit a copy of the notification of the classification of activities
– . subdomain – besides the above documents and submit a copy of the notification of the classification of activities
– . subdomain – in addition to the above documents and submit a copy of the license Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CRA ) confirming its status as a legal provider of Internet services and
– . subdomain – in addition to the above documents and submit a copy of the notification of the classification of activities . In the case of Article 6 Paragraph 1 point f) , the user shall submit a copy of the agreement with the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
Article 24 – this could be simplified to say that all necessary original documentation must be submitted within 30 days from the date of domain name reservation.
An application and all other necessary documentation initially be sent via tele- fax or via e -mail. The request is in its original form must be submitted by mail or bring in person to the premises register no later than 30 days from the reservation of domain names on .
Article 25
Submitted documentation is processed strictly in chronological order of its receipt .
Article 26 – Here, we could just say that any additional information requested during the registration process must be submitted within 5 working days, otherwise the reserved domain name will be cancelled.
Processing the necessary documentation is up to 15 working days of receipt, after which they will register domain korisnikunaziva issue invoice for the registration and use of domain names in accordance with the valid price list or send a notice of rejection of the application . In the course of treatment or later , if it deems necessary, may register the applicant to seek a more detailed description of the purpose or additional documentation. If you register to take this action, the registration of the disputed domain name will be suspended until the applicant not submitting reply in writing or does not submit the required documentation . Deadline for submission of information required is five working days of receipt of the notice. If you register within this time period does not receive a written response and supporting documentation , shall be considered that the user is dropped from the registration requirement of the domain name , and delete the reservation of domain names on .
Registry reserves the right not to register a domain name that:
a) may constitute a violation of the Constitution and the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
b ) may constitute a violation of the dignity of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina or is present in a negative context ,
c) may represent expressions of racial, religious or ethnic intolerance , hate speech ,
d) is not in accordance with generally accepted standards of decency and morality,
e ) is the name of the person except , of cases where the applicant is a person with identical first and last name as a domain name that is requested or has authorized the registration of a person with that name. In the case of a deceased person entitled to representation evidenced by the signed statement by a member of the immediate family of the deceased ,
f) are identical to the names of cities and prominent geographic objects on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
g) have names that contain characteristics of signs , attributes or names of religious communities, except with the written consent or the consent of the competent authorities of the religious community ,
h ) is identical to the full or abbreviated official name of foreign country , unless the application for registration and use of the domain name can not tolerate embassies, consulates and other authorized representatives of the state.
Article 30
Registry will reject the request :
a) if one or more of the conditions described in Article 28 Ordinance
b ) if they are in demand and form are incorrect data and / or information to be provided in order to register to mislead .
Article 33
Users domain name, the domain name can be used / leased for a period of one ( 1 ) , two ( 2 ) , three ( 3 ) , four ( 4 ) or five ( 5 ) years . Faces of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Item l) the domain name can be bought exclusively for a period of one year. After the expiration of the period , in paragraph 1 this article , the use of the domain name can be extended for the time used ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 or 5 ) or a longer period if the domain name is registered in the initial period of less than five years . Upon the expiration of the initial period of the lease , and if the user did not specify that you do not want to continue to use the domain name , the domain name is automatically deactivated and placed in quarantine status that lasts more than 30 days . Quarantine status terminated upon the expiration of 30 days or if the user completes an extension of the lease of the domain name that is in the status and payment of compensation for the reactivation of the same .
IX domain name change
Article 35 – I’m not sure if it needs to be included
The domain name user can request the change of the domain name if it is a new domain name for free , which is determined by the booking process on and if it is in accordance with these regulations. In addition to booking a user is required to submit a request to change the domain name whose form accurately determined and listed on and make the payment of financial compensation in accordance with the valid price list .
X Change user DOMAIN NAME (Domain Name Transfer)
Article 36
The domain name can be made to another person for use in the following cases :
– On the basis of negotiated consent prior and future users of the domain name ,
– On the basis of a court decision or a final judgment
– On the basis of the settlement agreement in mediation .
To change the domain name user must submit a written request with a form accurately determined and listed on and documents under Article 22 Ordinance.
In the event that the user of the domain name foreign legal entity , a request signed by the authorized person / contact zone.
Article 38 Change the user and the domain name change does not affect the period of tenure of the domain name .
Article 39 – I believe it refers to the change of local agent – would it be relevant?
To change the contact zone must submit a power of attorney which authorizes the new zone contact for taking any action concerning the domain name . On the power of attorney, which gives a new zone of contact, in addition to the date must be a clause by which all other powers of attorney (referring to .BA) abrogated.
XII DEACTIVATING, reactivating or deleting the domain
Article 40
Registry will approach the process of deactivation registered domain name if:
a) subsequently determines that the user is in the process of registration gave incorrect or invalid data and documentation
b ) the user or the person did not provide the required changes in information about yourself or about the purpose of which will use the domain name ,
c ) the user of the domain name does not comply with its obligations and responsibilities ,
d) The domain name user is not able to meet the minimum technical requirements in connection with the operation of the domain name ,
e) The domain name user is abusing the domain name in a way that it is not used in accordance with the purpose for which it is registered . If the registry finds that the domain name is not used in the purpose specified in the application, will warn the user of the domain name to rectify this deficiency within 30 days. If the user after the expiry of 30 days does not comply with the warning , access to deactivation of the domain name ,
f ) the user of the domain name does not cooperate with the registry on all matters concerning the reserved domain names ,
g ) the user of the domain name has not settled its financial obligations to the registry until the expiration of the domain name registration , – is it relevant for WS?
h) the decision was judicial or administrative authority,
i) after the expiry of the domain name registration was found to have ceased being a legal entity that was a user of the domain name , and have not submitted any proof of legal successor or the re-registration of the same , or if the death of a natural person,
j) the user of the domain name within 30 days of reservation has not submitted the original request. In this case , the domain name will be deleted from within 90 days of the payment of the reservation,
k), the user name of subdomains under no more Internet service provider status,
l), the user name of subdomains under no more status the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Entities and Brcko District, cantons, as well as municipal and city authorities,
m), the user name of subdomains under . no more status institutions dealing with education (primary, secondary and vocational schools registered with the competent ministry, and private schools, as well as commercial companies / firms whose primary activity is education or training of any kind),
n) the user name of subdomains under no more status organizations and civic associations, cultural institutions, museums, theaters and other non-profit legal entities.
Article 42
The domain name user can , in the case of Article 40 Paragraph 1 points a), b), c), d), e), f) and g), to request reactivation of deactivated domain name within 30 days of deactivation and when documents all deficiencies due to which the domain name and the disabled.
In the case of Article 40 Paragraph 1 Item k) , the user can request reactivation of deactivated domain names not later than 60 days after deactivation , and after you submit the request in its original form . User is obliged to make a payment for reactivation in accordance with the valid price list . Reactivation of domain names is done if it meets the above conditions .
Article 43
Deleting domain names with done 30 days after deactivation or the quarantine status of the same , thus the domain name available , which means that it can be registered by any other interested person referred to in Article 6 Ordinance. In case the user wants to continue to re- use the deleted domain name , repeating the entire process of registering domain names. The previous paragraph does not apply to cases under Article 40 Paragraph 1 Item k) , when the domain name is deleted after 60 days of deactivation.
In cases where the domain name is deactivated for the reasons set out in Article 40 Paragraph 1 points h), i), j), l), m), n), o) deletion is performed immediately after deactivation.
Notwithstanding the deletion of the domain name in the binder. Ba domain names remain permanently record of the domain name and the period of using the same.
Domain name registration and the user gets over the respective rights and obligations, as follows:
a) The domain name user is obliged to use only for the purpose for which it is registered ,
b) The domain name user is obliged to use the usual way, in accordance with accepted standards and recommendations of international organizations, online communities ,
c) the domain name user is obliged to use in a way that does not violate the laws and regulations of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina , not to infringe the rights of third parties , and to respect the principle of non-discrimination on any grounds ,
d) The domain name user is obliged to respect and implement the technical recommendations registry
e) The domain name user must register to submit changes of information about yourself , administrative, technical , or contact for payment and the purpose to which you will use the domain name ,
f) The domain name user is required to cooperate with the Registry on issues related to limiting and preventing activities that constitute an abuse of the domain name and harm users name. ba domain
g) The domain name user must provide the technical requirements for the connection of the domain name ,
h) The domain name user has the right to organize in every way , uses and manages domain space within their assigned domain names , with the registry recommended application of the provisions of this Ordinance.
The domain name user is fully and solely responsible for : a ) the choice of the domain name , b ) the legality of the elections and the use of the domain name , c) any violation of the rights of third parties caused by the selection and use of the domain name (especially the rights of the name , company , brand and other intellectual property rights ), d) the credibility and accuracy of the submitted documents and data, e) any damage caused to third parties by choice or by using the domain name , f ) any content and information that are below a certain domain names and their compliance with the legislation , g ) domain name user is responsible for any possible misuse of assigned and activated the domain name, h ) domain name user is responsible for all the failures and violations of this Ordinance, the good intentions of using domain names and the Internet in general, and especially for the removal of inappropriate content available through the assigned name
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