According to the report, 206,542 new .ORG domain names were registered from January to December 2013; that is a growth rate of 2.6%. Furthermore, 85 % of .ORG domain holders renew their domains for at least three years.
The .ORG domain has been considered as the trusted domain for cause-related entities including individuals, businesses, and organisations worldwide. The global .ORG community is mostly comprised of wiki and open source-oriented entities who make up for 20% of registrants. Other .ORG holders are mostly charities, schools and recreational groups and clubs.
With the total number of .ORG registrations reaching 10,346,000 globally, 40% of registrations take place outside the US, particularly in Asia.
China, Japan and India are the main contributors to the dynamic growth of .ORG domain making up for 6% of the .ORG market share. India alone can boast more than 159,700 domains under .ORG with a 50% increase in .ORG registrations between 2012 and 2013.
The top five international .ORG markets outside the US remain the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia, and France.
The following is the top ten market shares of the .ORG domain by country with the number of domains under registration (DUM) provided in brackets:
1) USA – 57,5 % (5 959 680 DUM)
2) Germany – 4,9 % (505 334 DUM)
3) United Kingdom – 4,3 % (505 334 DUM)
4) Canada – 3,9 % (405 169 DUM)
5) France – 3,3 % (342 134 DUM)
6) Australia – 3,3 % (339 363 DUM)
7) China – 2,3 % (238 983 DUM)
8) Japan – 1,9 % (199 916 DUM)
9) Spain – 1,7 % (172 081 DUM)
10) India – 1,5 % (159 701 DUM)
The .ORG Registry also has plans to introduce two additional extensions, .NGO and .ONG, that would be dedicated to non-government organization/organisation non gouvernementale. According to the Registry, expressions of interest (EOI) concerning those extensions have already come from more than 70 countries.
To register a domain name under the .ORG extension that will best suit your needs, please enter your chosen name in the box to see if it is available. Should you have any questions, our Support Team will be happy to assist you at or via phone on +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.