On August 29, a multi-stage process of releasing short domain names within the .AT extension will begin. It will end on 6 December, by which time all one- and two-character names, including numeric and alphanumeric names, will be made available. The registration will also include the 34 non-Latin IDN characters supported by the Austrian Domain Registry (see the below chart).
IDN Charset & Converters
hex: 00E4 ä dec: 228 |
hex: 00FC ü dec: 252 |
hex: 00F6 ö dec: 246 |
hex: 00EB ë dec: 235 |
hex: 00E0 à dec: 224 |
hex: 00E1 á dec: 225 |
hex: 00E2 â dec: 226 |
hex: 00E8 è dec: 232 |
hex: 00E9 é dec: 233 |
hex: 00EA ê dec: 234 |
hex: 00EC ì dec: 236 |
hex: 00ED í dec: 237 |
hex: 00EE î dec: 238 |
hex: 00EF ï dec: 239 |
hex: 00F2 ò dec: 242 |
hex: 00F3 ó dec: 243 |
hex: 00F4 ô dec: 244 |
hex: 00F9 ù dec: 249 |
hex: 00FA ú dec: 250 |
hex: 00FB û dec: 251 |
hex: 00FD ý dec: 253 |
hex: 00FF ÿ dec: 255 |
hex: 00E3 ã dec: 227 |
hex: 00E5 å dec: 229 |
hex: 00E6 æ dec: 230 |
hex: 00E7 ç dec: 231 |
hex: 00F0 ð dec: 240 |
hex: 00F1 ñ dec: 241 |
hex: 00F5 õ dec: 245 |
hex: 00F8 ø dec: 248 |
hex: 153 œ dec: 339 |
hex: 161 š dec: 353 |
hex: 00FE Þ dec: 254 |
hex: 017E ž dec: 382 |
As a result, the pool of available .AT domains will grow by approximately 5 thousand short addresses.
The first stage will begin with the Sunrise phase in which owners of trademarks registered in Austria will be able to register and thus protect their brands within .AT. The Sunrise Period is scheduled for the period from 29 August to 23 September. Names contested during Sunrise will be auctioned in October. Beginning November 7, the unregistered domain names will be made available via a public auction. Any domain names remaining after the auction will be made available to general public at standard .AT prices on a first come, first served basis on 6 December.
The Austrian country code .AT has been operational since 1988. It is also popular outside of Austria for its semantic potential for creating domain hacks, such as donteat.at, etc. There is no local presence requirement for .AT domain registration.
If you are interested in registering an .AT domain, please use our search tool to check the availability. For names consisting of less than three characters, please contact our Support Team at support@web-solutions.eu.