As of 1st of December 2017, it will be possible for anyone to register mydomain.mt type domains, directly under the Top Level Domain .MT, the registry announced.
There will however be a Grandfathering period for existing Third Level .COM.MT/.MET.MT/.ORG.MT etc. holders.
In order to Pre-register for free, preposition yourself or Grandfather an existing .COM.MT/.ORG.MT domain, please read the below first.
Then, simply use the registration module below to file your applications.
Launch date: 1/12 2017
Annual fee: 69.00 EUR
Who may register?
Only legal entities, but from anywhere in the world. There are no restrictions regarding the nationality or location of the entity. Web Solutions can provide a Trustee service for free, in case you have no such company. The registry specifically prohibits registrations which infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.
Here’s how to:
Select your option from the choices below.
a) Free pre-registration of “yourdomain.mt”
Enter the .mt domain name you wish to register, or select an extension group and click search button
Simply enter the Second Level .MT domain into the search box above and click search. If no matching domains are already registered under .COM.MT or .ORG.MT, then you can go ahead and file the free Pre-registration(s).
Later, we will contact you a few days before Launch in order to file a formal application. The first years annual fee will be 69.00 EUR per domain, which will only be charged if your domain name is registered successfully. Future renewals are only 69.00 EUR annually too.
Domains are awarded first-come-first-served. We will file all applications immediately at the time of Launch.
b) Block that all-important .MT domain for yourself!
Enter the .com.mt domain name you wish to register, or select an extension group and click search button
If, before the Launch date 1/12 2017, you register a myname.com.mt or myname.org.mt domain, and provided that no matching Third Level domains exist or will be registered by someone else before said Launch date, then with that you will have successfully blocked the domain for yourself and will be able to “Grandfather” myname.mt.
Simply enter the Second Level myname.mt domain into the search box above and click search. If no matching domains are already registered under .COM.MT or .ORG.MT etc., then you can go ahead and both order the .COM.MT and also file the free Pre-registration at the same time. We will register the .COM.MT immediately and contact you early December regarding the now blocked (for you) Second Level domain.
c) Grandfathering of existing .MT domains
Enter the .mt domain name you wish to register, or select an extension group and click search button
If you own an existing .COM.MT, .ORG.MT or similar domain, simply enter the matching Second Level .MT domain into the search box above and click search. Then select .MT-GRANDFATHERING and complete the application.
If there are conflicting registrations, then contact us at support@web-solutions.eu before doing anything further.
FAQ – additional information:
Who may register a domain name under .MT?
Any legal entity may register a domain name under .MT. There are no restrictions regarding the nationality or location of the entity. The policy mainly states that its not allowed to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.
If you have no such legal entity or company, then Web Solutions can register the domain via our free of charge Local Presence/Trustee Service.
What are the advantages of a Second Level domain:
More choice – Through the new policy existing and future registrants have more choice in the .MT namespace.
Simpler, shorter names – Domain names under .MT will no longer necessarily require an additional three-letter Second Level domain name, resulting in shorter and snappier names. The focus of the domain name can be on the registrant’s preferred branding.
Avoids inappropriate labelling – Some domain names do not quite fit within the existing hierarchical structure which categorises a domain name by commercial (.COM.MT), non-profit (.ORG.MT), internet related service provider (.NET.MT), educational (.EDU.MT) and governmental (.GOV.MT) organisation type. Thus, for example, individuals may register their personal domain names without any hindrance.
Follows similar changes in the wider Internet – Other countries have adopted similar changes to their policies, such as for example in the United Kingdom (.UK) and New Zealand (.NZ).
Feedback received from the public, industry players and interested parties showed that there is widespread agreement to introducing Second Level domain name registration under .MT.
Can I still register Third Level domains?
Registration of Third Level domain names, such as for example myname.com.mt, will remain possible.
Should I register at the Second Level, Third Level or at both Levels?
This depends on your particular circumstances and needs. If you wish to use the domain(s) for commercial purposes, then we certainly recommend registering both.
In many similar liberalisations, the “traditional” Third Level business domain, like .COM.MT, has remained the primary choice among the majority companies and users.
I already have a registered .MT domain name, how will this new policy affect me?
If, say, you have myname.com.mt registered under your name, you can continue to normally hold and renew this name now and in the future. In addition, during a 3 year period, the name myname.mt will become blocked so that no one else but you (or someone holding a similar right) can register this second level domain name.
You can use the search below to see if there are other rights holders (any Third Level already taken by someone else than you). If so, then contact us for more comprehensive details, support@web-solutions.eu
Should I register the blocked domain name corresponding to my existing Third Level domain name?
If you are the Holder of a Third Level domain name, say myname.com.mt, then the corresponding Second Level domain name (myname.mt) will become automatically blocked during the 3 year period. However, at the expiry of this period, any remaining blocked non-conflicting domain names will become available for anyone to register on a first-come first-served basis. Therefore, if you wish to start using the new Second Level domain name version or if you wish to protect the domain name at the Second Level, then you have to register the corresponding Second Level domain name before the expiry of the 3 year period. Contact us for details, support@web-solutions.eu
What if there are several existing Grandfathering rights?
If for example, a situation arises where both myname.org.mt and myname.com.mt are registered existing domains, then the Second Level myname.mt domain name cannot be registered by anyone. This conflicted state remains true as long as there are two domains blocking the name, even beyond the 3 year period. This is a very abbreviated version of the regulations, so contact us if you should find yourself in such a position – support@web-solutions.eu