The progress report from the Registry, has shown the net increase of 0.2% in .EU registrations in the fourth quarter of 2015. The total number of registered domain names under .EU at the end of that period was 3,862,467.
In general, 25 of the 31 EU member states and eligible the European Economic Area (EEA) countries have shown increase in the number of .EU registrations. Liechtenstein reported the top growth of 22.7% in Q4 in comparison to Q3. .EU’s growth in Iceland, Croatia, Luxembourg and Norway exceeded 4%. The top three countries with most .EU registrations are Germany, Netherlands and France.
Year to year comparison of results at the end of Q4 in 2015 and 2104 shows the decrease of 1.2%, or 44,939 registrations in the total number of .EU domains registered. The decrease is attributed partly to the massive deletions of domains as a result of the Registry’s efforts to clean its WHOIS database.
According to the report, the renewal rate of .EU domain in the fourth quarter of 2015 was 77%, just 3% below the average rate over the last 9 years. At the end of the reporting period, there were a total of 734 .EU accredited registrars. Furthermore, last quarter was marked by the delegation of the .EU domain in Cyrillic.
The .EU domain has long been a go to extension for a great number of businesses, institutions and individuals who wish to mark their affiliation with Europe. It is a meaningful and reliable alternative to a .COM address.
You can use our search tool to see if the name you are looking for is available. If you need assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at support@web-solutions.eu.