Wise choice of the domain name is very important. Creativity plays here the main role. It is similar mechanism as if we were creating the new brand. Approach to this subject should be serious and strategic, same as approach to your company management, so that it will be found every time with a success. Acquiring new, easier and shorter domains is also a great decision, especially in the times of smartphones and tablets, where simpler domains are easier to type on a mobile devices.
Below we have prepared 8 tips for you that will help you choose the right domain name for your company:
1. Think about the brand that you want to promote – Branding
To create the ideal domain name take into account a brand name, that you want to promote. Prepare a description of the scope of your activity. Do a research and find similar company names. Your domain name should be unique and innovative. Good marketing practice is to connect domain name with product or service that you sell.
2. Brainstorm – Choose best phrases
Take time to choose words describing your company, combinations, key words(do not use too general associations). Share your ideas with your family or friends. All additional ideas and suggestions will be very helpful. From the final list choose phrases which can become your domain name.
3. The domain name – Length
It’s easy to create a lot of long, complicated combinations of the domain name, but it causes troubles with remembering and typing it into the browser. Try to don’t use names longer than 20 characters and containing numbers or connecting characters like dash “-” or low line “_”.
4. Adjust the domain name to your company branch
Passing every next step you constrict number of words that you can use. It’s the time to check if your phrases are usable in the branch and clearly reminds with the company.
5. Do research – Check similar domain names
Prepared domains and phrases should be checked. Just enter them to the search engine and see similar results. If your phrases are unique and related to a given branch then you’ve hit the jackpot! Go this way and collect phrases such this.
6. Create word combinations
Having selected keywords with the right length, start creating the first combinations, that will clearly describe your company and what you do. Choose between three and five phrases and then get the vote among your friends, colleagues and family.
7. Determine the target business area and region by choosing correct tld of your domain
Use a domain TLD that people will automatically associate with your company.
If you are the owner of a small, local company, you can use regional domains that will further influence the SEO value of your website. If you think of a wider audience, look for ccTLD (.DE, .CO.UK, .US, .COM.BR) or popular domains like .COM, .NET, .INFO. The new gTLD domains have come into force for several years. Their use is non-standard, but they can perfectly fit into your business, such as .STORE, .SHOP or .SALE. Remember that your goal is to attract the attention of new users, and their easy return which will be guaranteed by simple and recognizable domain.
8. Register the domain
If your domain is available, then before purchase, it is good to check it in the free Wayback Machine tool (you will be sure that the domain is clean or has some value) and make sure that the name does not infringe on the copyright. Try to provide your domain with the greatest possible security, therefore it is recommended to buy domains for maximum period as possible.
Additionally, a very important element is hosting which you choose to be free of SPAM and with the least possible downtime (see our offer of hosting plans for individuals and e-commerce). The next step if you want to grow and strengthen your business online is to protect the brand. You will find in our offer – Trademark Clearinghouse. This allows you to defend against other companies, competitors and cheaters, trying to impersonate any variations of our www domain.