The.BE namespace has maintained its growth over the years. The latest statistics point to one registered .BE domain name for every 10 people in Belgium. In 2014, there was an increase in the number of active .BE domains of 4,05%, according to the registry. Furthermore, the renewal rate is expected to be 86% in 2015.
The month of February in 2010 marked the 1 millionth .BE domain registration. Over the period of five years, 500,000 .BE domain names have been registered. This comes as the consequence of excellent reputation the Belgian domain has built up over time.
Currently, there are 1,500,118 domain names registered under .BE, according to the Registry’s statistics.
If you are interested in the .BE domain name, please check the name availability. For more information or assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@web-solutions.eu or via phone on +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.