Early Access phase is equivalent to Landrush phase offered by some registries. The program lasts for seven days, during which the domain names in the extension can be registered at higher than standard prices. The EAP is then followed by General Availability phase at standard prices.
So far, the domain names registered during the EAP stage have been counted in tens rather than hundreds. The .EXPERT domain is therefore a breakthrough in this regard. Most of the names registered in this extension have been registered on the fourth and fifth day of the EAP at a cost of $700 and $200 dollars respectively. However, the premium addresses in the .EXPERT extension are available at higher rates regardless of the EAP.
If you wish to mark your presence as an expert online, consider registering an .EXPERT domain that will best describe your area of expertise. Click on the extension to find out more about its registration or contact our Support Team at support@web-solutions.eu or via phone on +44 (0) 20 4571 1971 for assistance.