The State of European ccTLDs
During the quarter ending May 2014, the European country code Top Level Domains have demonstrated the growth rate of 0.4 % with approximately 66.3 million registrations.

According to the recently released DomainWire report by CENTR, a not-for-profit ccTLD association, the growth rates for both European ccTLDs and Legacy TLDs (domains such as .COM or .ORG) are closely aligned, showing a downward trend. The weak growth in European ccTLDs is demonstrated by annual increase by 3.4 % as compared to 3 % growth among Lega [...]
In the light of over 200 new generic Top Level Domains having been released to the Internet so far, a question appears as to wheth [...]
Despite its reputation as one of the top level domains with the most phishing domains, the number of .TK (Tokelau) domain registra [...]