The organization and management (including allocation, registration and deletion of sub-domains) of Macedonian country code top level domain .MK is conducted in accordance with rules and regulations governed by the Macedonian Domain Authority.
To applicants other than Macedonia-based companies or Macedonia residents Web Solutions offers Local Proxy Service. For more information, please contact our Support Team at or via phone on +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.
Types of .MK domains
All natural and legal persons have the right to register a second level domain name within the Macedonian top level domain .MK.
Within the .MK ccTLD (country code top level domain) there are the following sub-domains:
The number and types of sub-domains within the .MK zone can be changed according to the network development and the needs of the Internet users.
The following entities have the right to register domain names within the COM.MK, NET.MK and INF.MK zones:
- companies
- sole traders
- authorised person with public functions
- chambers of commers//associations/organizations
- cooperatives
- financial organizations
- other individuals and entities
The domain names within the ORG.MK category are designated for:
- nonprofit organizations, associations and foundations
- political parties
- unions
- public health institutions
- funds, etc.
- foreign embassies
- foreign nonprofit organizations that deal with international or according to law, shall be allowed to perform a non-profit activity
The domain names within the EDU.MK category are designated for:
- educational and research institutions
- foreign educational organizations that have a license for educational and research activities, etc.
The domain names within the GOV.MK category are designated for:
- state bodies of the Republic of Macedonia
- institutions and other organizations established by the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia
- legal and public enterprises
- units of local government
- the City of Skopje
An applicant is allowed to register an unlimited number of .MK domain names.
Macedonian domain names are registered for a period of one year, which can be further extended.
Domain names registered within the .MK zone are recorded in the .MK Registry in en electronic form and published on the website of the Macedonian Domain Authority. The applicants’ information within the Registry is available for inspection but not for copying.
Macedonian domain names
A Macedonian domain name will consist of the domain name selected by an applicant and the domain suffix – .mk for top level domain names or .GOV.MK, EDU.MK, ORG.MK, COM.MK, NET.MK and INF.MK for second level domain names.
A Macedonian domain name can consist of:
- Latin alphabet characters (A to Z),
- numbers 0 to 9
- and the hyphen (” – “)
A Macedonian domain name can consist of the minimum of one (1) and the maximum of sixty- three (63) characters.
A hyphen cannot be the first or the last character within the domain name and two hyphens cannot be used next to each other.
.MK Domain Registration Rules
The Macedonian Domain Authority oversees the procedures for registration of domain names within the .MK domain and technical framework ensuring stable operation of the primary name server for .MK domains. The Authority maintains the Registry of all registered .MK domains and conducts arbitration proceedings in accordance with the law and these regulations.
A Macedonian domain name of choice can be registered by a third party (a registrar) acting on behalf of a registrant.
Applications submitted in an electronic format (with an electronic signature) will be subject to regulations on electronic signatures.
The following information is required when registering a .MK domain name:
- domain name
- name and address of registrants
- tax identification number of registrants for legal entities
- names of administrative and technical contacts including their phone numbers and e-mail addresses
- date of domain name registration
- date of the receipt of the payment for domain registration
- name servers information
Web Solutions offers Trustee Service to companies and individuals not residing in Macedonia. Contact our Support Team at for more information.
Rights and obligations of registrants
The domain name cannot be changed.
Registrant shall inform the Registrar of any changes of data which is recorded in the Registry within 8 days (in writing or electronically).
Registrant shall bear responsibility for each registered .MK domain name that has not been used in accordance with the designated purpose and contrary to the provisions of these regulations.
Registrants shall bear responsibility for any alleged violations of intellectual property rights (copyright, and other forms of protection of intellectual property within the law), as well as any damage resulting from any such violation.
Conflicts and disputes arising between registrants and third parties over the exploitation of a .MK domain name are handled by the Macedonian Domain Authority according to the dispute resolution procedures established by law and the rules governing the .MK domain registration.
Registrant shall be responsible for the accuracy of the data submitted with the domain name application. The accuracy of information is periodically verified by the Macedonian Domain Authority. The Authority reserve the right to delete the domain name from the Registry in case it is determined that data provided in the application is inaccurate or the documentation attached to the application is unreliable.
Registrant is responsible for the accuracy of any changes within the domain name registration. To make changes within the domain name registration concerning the administrative or technical contact or name servers data, please contact Web Solutions’ Support Team at
The changes are considered as implemented when they appear in the .MK Registry.
The Macedonian Domain Authority reserves the right to correct any information pertinent to the domain name or revoke the domain name based on the decision of a court or other competent authorities.
Registrants will be notified in case .MK domain needs to be temporarily deactivated in order for the Macedonian Domain Authority to solve technical problems to preserve the stability of the Internet.
Domain termination
A Macedonian domain name can be suspended or terminated in the following circumstances:
- Registrant acts contrary to the laws and regulations in force.
- Registrant requests the cancellation of the registered .MK domain in writing.
- Registrant fails to meet financial obligations related to the registered domain.
- Registrant is unable to meet the technical requirements for the functioning of the domain which may result in problems within the nominal system of the .MK domain.
- Registrant provides inaccurate or unreliable data and documentation during the registration process.
- Registrants does not report changes of mandatory data required for the registered domain.
- Registrant does not comply with obligations and responsibilities defined within these regulations.
- Registrant refuses to take responsibility or cooperate with authorised personnel dealing with issues related to the registrant’s domain as specified in the regulations or other important matters.
- Registrant abuses the right to use the .MK domain and uses the domain in a way that violates intellectual property rights, copyrights and trademark protection rights within the applicable regulations.
- In other cases specified by law or regulations.
Transfer of domains
Registrant can transfer the domain to a new registrant upon both parties’ agreement and filling in the required documentation. The transfer is considered as completed as soon as the change of registrant is recorded in the .MK Register.
In case registrant of a .MK domain dies, the legal heirs can acquire the right to use the domain or to re-register the existing domain in their name(s) in the .MK Register. By request, in addition to the required documentation the heir must provide a valid act proving the right to inheritance. The Act should unambiguously confirm the acquisition of the right to inherit the domain.
Registrant has the right to waive the right to the use of the .MK domain. Once such statement is submitted to the Macedonian Domain Authority, the domain can be deleted from the .MK Register and registered by another party.
Registrant cannot transfer the right to use a .MK domain to another party for the purpose of acquiring profits. It is not allowed to use any registered .MK domain name as subject of sale or any other means of trading or obtaining gain. In case of abuse of the right to use the domain, the Macedonian Domain Authority has the right to initiate proceedings leading to the termination of the domain in question.
Dispute resolution
If not resolved peacefully, disputes between parties over the use of a .MK domain name are handled in accordance with the Macedonian Domain Authority’s Rules for Arbitration Procedure.
The decision made as a result of arbitration proceedings under the Rules is legally binding for the parties involved in the proceedings. The decision made in the arbitration proceedings will provide the winning party with the required protection before the decision is made by the competent court (Basic Court Skopje 2 in Skopje) or other legal proceedings are initiated.
Any .MK domain names that were registered before the date these regulations were adopted will remain registered as is.
.MK domain names registered prior to 1 May 2003 are required to be in compliance with the provisions of these regulations within six (6) months from their adoption. The domain names that do not meet the requirements of these regulations after the period specified above will be deactivated and deleted.
Registrants who have registered .MK domains have the right to use and renew their domains and are eligible to register .MK sub-domains.
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Croatia (.HR) in European Union, another 7 countries expected to join the EU

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