As of 30 November 2010, each company may apply for up to 100 Norwegian top level domains names. Most Norwegian companies do not need more than one or a few domain names, but several big organizations both in the public and private sectors have the need to register more than 20 names under the .NO domain. It is easy to register a Norwegian domain name with Web-Solutions, a global domain registrar offering local proxy services.
Actual needs and dispute resolution
According to Norwegian regulatory authority, the quota is introduced to reduce speculations and amassing of domain names. The idea behind it is to make good names available for new applicants as the number of Internet addresses is limited. The decision has been made to serve the needs of both the majority and the minority. Some companies, however, find the quota problematic. To deal with the possible increase of complaints stemming from the effects of raising of the quota, the complaint procedure has been changed. The domain holder who’s complaint has been rejected in the dispute resolution is responsible for covering the costs of the complaint.