The .RU ccTLD currently holds the 6th position among the biggest country code TLD’s after .DE (with 15.3 million domain names), .TK (with 15.1 million domain names), .UK (with 10.3 million domains), .CN (with 6.4 million domain names) and .NL (with 5.2 million domain names).
The Russian domain .RU can also boast the highest growth rates among the biggest ccTLDs. The four million mark was reached in September 2012, while the third millionth .RU domain name was registered in September 2010.
Three years ago, the Russian IDN .РФ was introduced. Since then, the Internet market in Russia has been growing at a very fast pace, with 1000-1,500 new domain names being registetered daily in each domain zone.
Up to date, there are 4,920,846 .RU domain names registered.
To check if your desired .RU domain is available, enter the name in the box or contact our Support Team at support@web-solutions.eu or via phone on : +44 (0) 20 4571 1971.