We are now accepting applications for .CO Sunrise & Landrush.
Sunrise deadline: 9/6 2010
Landrush deadline: 12/7
GoLive: 20/7
Simply preregister for free at http://preregistration.web-solutions.eu.
Once logged into the module, you can allocate your domains to Sunrise, Landrush or GoLive.
Unrefundable Sunrise fee: Euro 295,00 / domain
The fee includes 1 year domain maintenance, if application is successful.
Applicant must hold a matching trademark, registered and in full force on or before July 30, 2008. The trademark must be registered in a country specific or regional trademark registry that corresponds to a state or entity described in the WIPO Standard ST.3 code. This includes most countries.
A complete list of eligible country TM’s can be seen here: http://www.wipo.int/standards/en/pdf/03-03-01.pdf
Any domain applied for by two parties or more will be auctioned by the registry, to the highest bidder.
Unrefundable Landrush fee: Euro 285,00 / domain
The fee includes 1 year domain maintenance, if application is successful.
Any domain applied for by two parties or more will be auctioned by the .CO registry, to the highest bidder.
Euro 59,00 p.a. if successful.