.MT-PREREGISTRATION regulations summary:
You may register a .MT domain if no matching domains exist under COM.MT and ORG.MT. Holders of these domains have a grandfathering right to register the .MT equivalent of their domain name. Enter the second level .mt domain into the search box above and click search. If no matching domains are already registered under COM.MT or ORG.MT, then you can go ahead and file the free pre-registration(s).
Annual domain fee: USD 0.00
DNS Service/Web forwarding is included, free of charge.

Later, we will contact you a few days before Launch in order to file a formal application. The first years annual fee will be 69.00 EUR per domain, which will only be charged if your domain name is registered successfully. Future renewals are only 69.00 EUR annually too.
Domains are awarded first-come-first-served. We will file all applications immediately at the time of Launch.
.MT-PREREGISTRATION full regulations:
You may register a .MT domain if no matching domains exist under COM.MT and ORG.MT. Holders of these domains have a grandfathering right to register the .MT equivalent of their domain name. Enter the second level .mt domain into the search box above and click search. If no matching domains are already registered under COM.MT or ORG.MT, then you can go ahead and file the free pre-registration(s).
Yes, there are more Maltese extensions available at Web Solutions. Some of them might not require local presence and may be unrestricted. Please check the available extensions for Malta below:
.MT (unrestricted)
.COM.MT (unrestricted)
.MT-GRANDFATHERING (unrestricted)
.ORG.MT (unrestricted)
.TM.MT (unavailable)
How to transfer domains to Web Solutions?
Required info:
- Enter the domains you wish to have transferred to Web Solutions into the box
- Fill in your name and email address
- Press Confirm. A person from Web Solutions Support will contact you, in order to process the transfer request
Additional information:
- If you have Auth. Codes ready, include these. If not, you can send them later
- If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer