.PLC.CO.IM regulations summary:
Only available to Public Limited Companies (Plc´s) registered on the Isle of Man. Domain names must within certain criteria correspond with the registered business name.
Annual domain fee: EUR 166.00
DNS Service/Web forwarding is included, free of charge.
.PLC.CO.IM full regulations:
Only available to Public Limited Companies (Plc´s) registered on the Isle of Man. Domain names must within certain criteria correspond with the registered business name.
Yes, there are more Isle of Man extensions available at Web Solutions. Some of them might not require local presence and may be unrestricted. Please check the available extensions for Isle of Man below:
.IM (unrestricted)
.CO.IM (unrestricted)
.ORG.IM (unrestricted)
Trustee service for Isle of Man .PLC.CO.IM domain names
If you would like more information regarding Trustee Service for Isle of Man domain names, or would like to review a draft User Certificate, please contact our support team.
How to transfer domains to Web Solutions?
Required info:
- Enter the domains you wish to have transferred to Web Solutions into the box
- Fill in your name and email address
- Press Confirm. A person from Web Solutions Support will contact you, in order to process the transfer request
Additional information:
- If you have Auth. Codes ready, include these. If not, you can send them later
- If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer