The next generic domain of significance to be launched is .PW, the Professional Web.
The current Sunrise phase will last until the 8th of February, 2013.
This period is exclusively for Trademark holders, in order to allow protection of Intellectual Property rights in the .PW namespace.
Trademarks registered on or before December 1st, 2012 are eligible. The trademarks can be registered in any country.
The trademark/domain relation must be either:
- Exact matches, with replacement of special characters allowed
- Exact match, plus keywords either before or after
- Common abbreviations of the trademark
- Common misspellings of same
One-off Sunrise fee to be determined. The annual fee will be USD 49,00
Web Solutions will handle all documentation processing and secure the validation of trademarks.
If you would like to apply for one or more domains during the Sunrise phase, please contact us for more information at support@web-solutions.eu.