Currently, there are over 2,150,000 domain names registered under the Colombian country code extension, eagerly adopted by startups. The domain’ s growth rate has increased by 8% within a year, from 10% in 2014 to 18% at the end of December 2015.
The .CO domain has enjoyed a continued growth since its debut five years ago. It has become the default domain for startup companies, entrepreneurs and innovative businesses. Moreover, some world brands have invested in .CO domains, for example Twitter (T.co), Google (G.co), or Taco Bell (Ta.co). Numerous Chinese investors have also found the .CO extension attractive, registering mostly two-character domains.
Since 2010, the .CO domain has grown by seven thousand percent! And, the renewal rate for .CO is at 50% for the names renewed for another year and 80% for the names with a 5-year renewal period.
The majority of .CO registrations comes from the US (about 50%). Next come the UK (5%), Colombia (5%), Canada (4%) and India (3%). It is expected that the developing economies and major economic players in Asia will fuel the further growth of the .CO domain.
If you run a startup company or wish to mark your unique presence online, consider registering a .CO domain name. It is a meaningful and refreshing alternative to .COM that can help your business thrive.
To check if your desired domain name is available, please use our search tool. For assistance, contact our support team at support@web-solutions.eu.