.HM regulations summary:
No restrictions
Annual domain fee: USD 175.00
DNS Service/Web forwarding is included, free of charge.
Frequently Asked Questions for .HM domain names and Heard and McDonald Isls.
Is local company in Heard and McDonald Isls. required?
No, it is not required to have a local company in Heard and McDonald Isls., in order to register a .HM domain name.
Is local admin contact in Heard and McDonald Isls. required?
No, a local administrative contact in Heard and McDonald Isls. is not required in order to register .HM domain names.
Are trademarks usable in Heard and McDonald Isls.?
Unfortunately, neither a trademark application or registration in Heard and McDonald Isls. or elsewhere will give specific access to register .HM domains.
Is Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) available?
It is not possible to register .HM IDN domain names with non-ASCII characters.
Are generic domains allowed for .HM?
There are some restrictions on the type of domain names allowed in Heard and McDonald Isls.. Please contact us beforehand, if you are planning to apply for a generic type .HM domain.
How much time does it take to register .HM domain name?
7 day/s
Usually, it takes 7 day/s to register a .HM domain name in Heard and McDonald Isls.. We will file the application as soon as possible. However, we cannot provide guarantees as we have no influence on the speed of the Heard and McDonald Isls. domain authority once the application has been filed.
What is the minimum of characters allowed for .HM domains?
It is not possible to apply for .HM domain names with less than 3 characters.
What is the maximum of characters allowed for .HM domains?
It is not possible to apply for .HM domain names with more than 63 characters.
Can I register more than one Heard and McDonald Isls. domain name?
YES, unlimited
Applicants may register an unlimited amount of Heard and McDonald Isls. .HM domain names.
How to transfer domains to Web Solutions?
Required info:
- Enter the domains you wish to have transferred to Web Solutions into the box
- Fill in your name and email address
- Press Confirm. A person from Web Solutions Support will contact you, in order to process the transfer request
Additional information:
- If you have Auth. Codes ready, include these. If not, you can send them later
- If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer