European ccTLDs at a Glance
The third quarter of 2015 shows combined growth of 1.6 % for the total of over one thousand Top Level Domains, according to The DomainWire Global TLD Stat Report.

The dynamically increasing number of domain name registrations across all domains available was close to 300 million, according to the report. Over the period of the third quarter the number of registrations has grown by 1.6% compared to the previous quarter. For the most part, the market was shared between ccTLDs (such as .DE, .ME, .UK, etc.) and [...]
The closing of the second quarter was marked by an increase in the number of domain name registrations across all TLDs by 2.2 mill [...]
Currently, there are 4.894,275 .RU domain names registered under .RU, which ranks 6th on the list of the biggest ccTLD’s, follow [...]