.CC regulations summary:
No restrictions
Annual domain fee: EUR 95.00
DNS Service/Web forwarding is included, free of charge.
How to transfer domains to Web Solutions?
Required info:
- Enter the domains you wish to have transferred to Web Solutions into the box
- Fill in your name and email address
- Press Confirm. A person from Web Solutions Support will contact you, in order to process the transfer request
Additional information:
- If you have Auth. Codes ready, include these. If not, you can send them later
- If possible and relevant, please unlock the domains, so they are ready for transfer
Numeric domains popular at Chinese auctions
The latest results from the Chinese stock market 4.cn clearly demonstrate that the numeric domains are worth the investment. However, they must be names within global or ccTLD extensions with a functional application.

Recent results of the Chinese stock exchange 4.cn. indicate that a large part of the highest ranked transactions involve the sale of numeric domain names. However, they often fail to be included in the officially published global transaction rankings. The people of China seem to have a special liking for domains containing strings of digits, which [...]
In the light of over 200 new generic Top Level Domains having been released to the Internet so far, a question appears as to wheth [...]
The .CC extension is rather unusual and is not a match for .ME or .CO in the world of startups. However, despite being considered [...]