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Optional information. The company organisation number is often helpful or even required in connection with country specific domain registrations. Maximum 20 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", "-" and space.
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Required fields. Please enter city - Maximum 32 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters, "-", ".", "'", "’" and space. Please enter the postal code - Maximum 12 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-" and space.
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read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA

Don't we all love to get things .FREE? Goods and services, education and training, real time or virtual transactions – consumers are always interested in finding .FREE offers. Addressing both bus [...]

read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA

The .AUCTION domain is a new extension dedicated to auction-based marketplace. Individuals, communities, businesses and organisations dealing with auctioning can now mark their onlin [...]

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Smart shoppers are sure to appreciate an Internet address that points them to good .BARGAINS. Bargain hunting is what almost everyone does on the Internet, so if you want your products or services [...]

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Auctioning has been around for a long time but it is a relatively recent addition to the range of online operations. The .BID domain opens the door to a new platform of online biddin [...]

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.BLACKFRIDAY has gained international recognition and can be successfully used to market Black Friday sales in and outside the United States. It is a new definitive extension that is perfect f [...]

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If you wish to stay on top of what is happening right now, the .BUZZ domain is the way to go. It is a perfect extension for a webpage that will keep all the related news, events [...]

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The .CARDS extension is a welcome addition to the new gTLDs family. With its versatility, .CARDS can be adopted by any website that can find the word useful. Whether the content revolves around pla [...]

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.CENTER is an ideal namespace for any group or organisation conducting activities revolving around science, culture, education, exploration, testing, lab work, or community involvement. Any ce [...]

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The .CHEAP domain is perfect for anyone offering products or services at discounted prices. E-commerce websites offering seasonal bargains, outlet stores or any other sites offering good deals [...]

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The goal of .CLOTHING is to offer first choice domain name registration to individuals or businesses seeking to mark their clothing-related presence on the Internet. Whether you're an apparel retai [...]

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.COUPONS is a great extension for online shops and other sites offering saving coupons. Bringing your great deals and savings to one place cannot be easier. The .COUPONS domain provides an easy to [...]

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Offering your best deals online could not be easier. With the .DEALS domain you can let others know about the best saving offers and promotions on and off the Internet. The .DEALS domain can b [...]

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The new .DIRECT TLD extension can be a valuable means of emphasising the nature of services or products offered on your site. Whether retail or wholesale, products or servi [...]

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The .DIRECTORY domain aims to accommodate any website that is used to provide compartmentalised information. .DIRECTORY can be useful in creating centralised catalogues, guides or reference pages f [...]

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The .DISCOUNT domain is dedicated to all those sites that wish to highlight their specific attention to reducing costs. This new extension will help to create a unique Internet location where [...]

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.FLORIST is dedicated to the floral industry and should be a go to extension for every floral shop or designer. Florists across the globe can now register a domain name under this definit [...]

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The new .GIFT domain is targeted towards any website offering content related to gift giving. It is perfect for gift and souvenir shops of any kind as well as informational sites offering advice on [...]

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The .GRATIS domain is a new generic Top Level Domain that is aimed at businesses, online shops and organizations to offer a unique Internet address for give-aways or free promotional products. A g [...]

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The purpose of the .GROUP domain is to offer individuals and other entities who are involved in collaborative activities an easily recognisable name-place that will distinguish them on the Interne [...]

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If your target audience is German-speaking, .KAUFEN, which means "to buy" in German, could be an ideal domain for your e-commerce shop. .KAUFEN can be compared to “shopping&rdq [...]

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The .MARKET domain is a great extension for all kinds of commercial websites. Any e-commerce business will greatly benefit from this name-place as it directly relates to marketplace and can be used [...]

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The .OOO domain may well be the most universal gTLD out there. It can be used for all purposes by anyone without restrictions. The .OOO extension offers flexibility and ease of use, presenting [...]

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The new .PARTS domain is namespace dedicated to a variety of fields that find the term "parts" applicable in their business. The .PARTS extension is perfect [...]

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The .QPON domain has been launched to help you enhance your online presence with a clear and easy to remember address. It may be your answer to finding new customers looking for deals on [...]

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.SALE is one of newly released gTLDs that can highlight your area of expertise in a memorable and meaningful way. Dedicated to promotions, .SALE can make a difference for your website by [...]

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Finding shoes online could not be easier. With the .SHOES domain, locating shoe stores online is as fast as a click of a mouse. The new .SHOES extension provides a clearly defined signpos [...]

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The .SHOP extension is expected to embrace domain registration by businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals seeking to enhance their shopping-related identity on the Internet.

The new .SHOP [...]

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.TOOLS is a new generic domain dedicated to any website that focuses on getting things done. Whether it is helping people build or repair things, create new solutions or solve proble [...]

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.TOYS is an exciting new domain aimed at toy manufacturers and sellers. There is probably no better way to mark your special interest in playthings than with a .TOYS extension. [...]

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The versatile .TRADE domain offers a dedicated name space for all websites that can associate themselves with the term "trade". It can be a meaningful alternative to a .COM [...]

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The purpose of .UNO, the Spanish and Italian word for "one" -- also interpreted as "best" or "first", is to create a memorable and recognisable TLD for the&n [...]

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Need more information?

If you would like more information or have other questions about the domain registration or domains transfer, please don't hesitate to contact us at relations@web-solutions.eu or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971