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However, if your company is based within the European Union you will be required to provide the VAT number, or alternatively be charged 25% VAT. The field can be left empty for now, but completing it will speed up order processing. Maximum 20 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", "-" and space.
Important note: Companies based within the European Union must provide a valid VAT number above, in order to avoid being charged VAT. VAT will not be charged to companies outside the EU.
Optional information. The company organisation number is often helpful or even required in connection with country specific domain registrations. Maximum 20 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", "-" and space.
Required field. Please enter first name. Maximum 32 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters and "’", "'", "-", "." and space.
Required field. Please enter last name. Maximum 32 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters and "-", ".", "'", "’" and space.
Required field. Please enter address. Maximum 50 characters allowed. If your company has its own postal code, and thus no address, simply repeat the company name in this field. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, "&", "#", "(", ")", ",", ";", ":", "-", ".", "'", "’", "/" and space.
Required fields. Please enter city - Maximum 32 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters, "-", ".", "'", "’" and space. Please enter the postal code - Maximum 12 characters allowed. Allowed character set: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-" and space.
Optional information. Maximum 30 characters allowed. Allowed characters are letters, numbers and space.
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Required field. Must follow valid email format, eg. email@email.com. Maximum 60 characters allowed.
Required field. Only numbers/digits are allowed.
Optional information. Only numbers/digits are allowed.


Optional information. Please enter your message to our support department. Do not use the characters "<", ">".




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Business Entity (back to main pre-registration page)
read more Preregister .[TLDName] new global top-level domain name TBA

A great number of companies and organisations identify with the word .AGENCY. This new attractive TLD can be beneficial in promoting businesses across a wide range of fields, including insurance, [...]

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What could better describe professional enterprise than the word .BUSINESS? Similar to .BIZ, or .COM, .BUSINESS offers a virtual platform for commercial entities looking to mark their online prese [...]

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If you belong to a community or are involved in special community-related activities, it may be beneficial to register a domain name under the .COMMUNITY extension. With a well defined .COMMUNITY [...]

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If you run an enterprise, big or small, a .COMPANY internet address can greatly enhance your online presence. It can help increase your visibility, from marketing your services or products, presen [...]

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Businesses and individuals embark on various .ENTERPRISES every day all across the globe. Now all such ambitious endeavours can be highlighted online thanks to the new .ENTERPRISES domain that cre [...]

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A branding must for non-profits, think tanks and organizations

The .FOUNDATION domain is a great new namespace for any foundation, including non-profits, organisations, family trusts, think [...]

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New Internet domains have opened doors to countless possibilities of making your unique presence known online. The new. INDUSTRIES domain is a perfect suffix for any industry, including constructi [...]

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The new .INSTITUTE domain creates an opportunity for any educational organisation or training services provider, scientific or research enterprise or a business to mark their unique presence onlin [...]

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The .INTERNATIONAL domain will be instrumental in creating a sense of presence for any website looking to be a part of the global market. With the new .INTERNATIONAL extension, businesses will be a [...]

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The new .INVESTMENTS domain should appeal to individuals and businesses in different fields. It provides a definitive platform for everything connected with investing, such as stocks, mutual funds [...]

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The new .LTDA domain is aimed at entities operating as Sociedad/Compañía de Responsabilidad Limitada or as Sociedade Limitada. It is a definitive extension that will let companies doing business [...]

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The driving force of a successful company is the right leadership and proper organization. The new .MANAGEMENT domain incorporates the idea of responsible and goal-oriented decision making that ca [...]

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It is hard to imagine doing business today without some form of .MARKETING which can involve creating, promoting, communicating, delivering or exchanging products, services or ideas of value. The [...]

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The new .PARTNERS domain aims at firms, businesses, organisations or forms of co-operation that are based on partnership. It is a perfect extension for any company that has the word .PARTNERS in i [...]

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The .PLUS domain is a new extension available for registration to anyone who can find it useful. The term 'plus" can be adopted for a variety of purposes, mainly t [...]

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The .PRODUCTIONS extension will be perfect for any content related to creative processes as well as the management and results of such processes. The new domain aims especially at artistic or lite [...]

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Limited liability companies in French-speaking countries, such as France, Switzerland or Luxembourg, can now distinguish themselves online with the new .SARL domain. The extension stands for Soci [...]

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The .SRL domain is dedicated to businesses in Spanish- or Italian- speaking countries that are legally designated as Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada or Società a Responsabilit [...]

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The new .VENTURES TLD is a generic namespace dedicated to the business community, and is ideal for startups, venture capitalists, financial groups and business blogs. The new extension is open to [...]

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.WORK is an excellent domain for any career resource website. Any site revolving around employment, should consider a domain name under .WORK. The extension is perfect for job fairs, [...]

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The new .WORKS domain encompasses numerous applications and can obviously be used to create a platform that can help better connect employers with job seekers. It also aims at any field associated [...]

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Need more information?

If you would like more information or have other questions about the domain registration or domains transfer, please don't hesitate to contact us at relations@web-solutions.eu or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971