Web Solutions' Webhotel hosting packages have been designed to meet all your hosting needs. Professionalism and safety is what makes us stand out among other European hosting service providers.
Quicknet, Business and Corporate hosting packages with unlimited data transfer - trustworthy doorway for your company to the World Wide Web.
€ 19.00/ mo Minimal rental period for Quicknet hosting package is 6 months and therefore must be paid in advance.
FREE Set-up
€ 47.00/ mo Minimal rental period for Business hosting package is 6 months and therefore must be paid in advance.
FREE Set-up
€ 76.00/ mo Minimal rental period for Corporate hosting package is 6 months and therefore must be paid in advance.
FREE Set-up
Disk space
E-mail accounts
FTP access
Online and telephone support
Daily backup
Online email administration
Web-Based Email Access
IMAP/POP/SMTP Email Access
DNS Management
Site Statistics
MySQL database
Custom error pages
Parallels Plesk Panel
Own backup/restore jobs
Web Presence Builder
Website preview
PHP Safemode (off)
1 click Shop install
ASP.NET/.NET Framework 4.0
Classic ASP
ASP components
MS SQL 2012 Database
MS Access Database Support
ASP MVC (v.3/v.4)
Extra FTP account
Extra MySQL Database
Extra MSSQL Database (only Windows)
Extra domains
Extra disk space
SSL Secure Server
Web Presence Builder (only Linux)
Hosting Plan Upgrade
As part of your hosting account you get your own server disk space that you can freely utilise as a web page, mailboxes (e-mail), database (MySQL) and files that you can upload and share using FTP or WebDisk.
Each hosting account has an unlimited traffic package (data transfer), which is used for the traffic generated by your website, downloading and sending e-mails as well as downloading and uploading files via FTP or WebDisk.
For each hosting account there can be assigned a certain number of domains (depending on the chosen hosting package). Each additional domain (Website) can be assigned to any subdirectory on your server where the Website's files will be placed.
Within each hosting account you may run a certain number of MySQL databases. This allows you to create a dynamic Website or a database system. MySQL databases are used, among others, by popular CMS systems such as WordPress, Joomla, etc. To manage the MySQL database, we provide the phpMyAdmin panel.
FTP Accounts allow you to instantly place your pages on our server and update them. One main FTP account is activated with each hosting account. You can also create additional FTP accounts with access to the whole server or limited only to specified directories on the server.
Within each hosting account, you can create additional FTP accounts with access to only one of the selected directories. This way, you can give access to your server to people who cooperate in creating and updating the Website and, at the same time, should not have access to other files stored in other directories.
Each hosting account offers support for mod-rewrite extensions that you can use to create SEO friendly links within your website. Available only with the Linux platform.
CRON Scheduler allows you to periodically run your own scripts at the set time. Available only with the Linux platform.
Accessing any directory on the server over the Internet can be protected by an individual username and password. You can set up your own login and password in the Administration Panel of the server. This way you can protect access to the sites that are still in development and should not be visible to all users.
If you would like more information about the Hosting Service, have other questions about domain registration or domains transfer, please don't hesitate to contact us at relations@web-solutions.eu or via phone: +44 (0) 20 4571 1971
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