Please follow the instructions below to add email account using Android.
First step:
Create a new email account
- Enter your full “Email Address”
- Enter the password for your “Email Address”
- Tap “Next”
- Choose the type of email account you will be using.
- IMAP: IMAP will store the emails on the server and show a cached copy on your phone.

Second step:
- Incoming Server Settings:
– Username: Please enter your full email addres.
– Password: The password for your email address.
– Server:
– Port: Secure (SSL): 993
Note: Using “SSL (Accept all certificates) will be more compatible.
- Tap Next.

- Outgoing Server Settings:
– Server:
– Port: Secure (SSL): 465
Note: Using “SSL (Accept all certificates) will be more compatible.
– Require sign-in – Check this as you will need yo authenticate with the SMTP server
– Username: Please enter your full email address.
–Password: The password for your email address.
- Tap “Next”

Last step:

Click Next and it’s finished
Last updated: October 10, 2014 by Web Solutions